ny is a fascist dictatorship

Idk, the monkey torture video trade kinda refutes that. The sick fucks are using middlemen, but it is still the sick fucks that describe the sick fuckery they wanted third-worlders to perform on the poor monkeys. Most of them were yanks or Europeans.
That was a lot more limited. You see cat abuse all over the Chinese internet and very few care
We can't get them to stop dumping tons of medical waste into the oceans.
the chinese govt got a lot of abuse abt 10 years ago about their filthy beaches so they are making at least some effort to clean up beaches and waterways, but like most of asia they have a long cultural tradition of dumping waste into the nearest body of water

that's nothing, you should see rivers and beaches in places like philippines and indonesia. choked with garbage and feces. make all the jokes you want about indian "pajeets", some places are even worse.............
I hate it when a good thread is derailed to something mind numbing
In this case white woman bitches about east asia not caring for animal rights and not listening to anyone else
@Baka dude you have heroin and coke to order off tor just do that and calm down
ANYWAYS, the karen who called in the federal euthanization team n bragged abt it on social media deleted her accounts n is in hiding
If all it took to cause distress to a social media wanker and a Karen was the life of one fat squirrel, then that squirrel was well spent.
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