Palestine vs Israel conflict

Can someone please tell where this all started from and who started this new conflict ?
From what I read on wikipedia it was, it was due to an evictions would like to know what caused it.
here is interesting vod asking the Jews about killing Palestinian children.
I guess I will do my part and ask. @oddguy have you killed any Palestinian children, if so would you do it again?
When you get trolled by a D list porn actress that don't do anal -- it's time to hang it up @oddguy
Lol. Apparently she has been arguing with Jews on twitter for a few days. But if you go too hardcore 1488 and become "anti-semite" instead of "anti-zionist" the pornstar will block you. Also she has this weird clip where she claims her first few husbands/bfs exploited her and sexually abused her.
Can someone please tell where this all started from and who started this new conflict ?
From what I read on wikipedia it was, it was due to an evictions would like to know what caused it.
in the 19th century Jews heavily intermarried with the british aristocracy , peerage. In western europe (west of germany) jews were treated better and more assimiliated then in eastern europe. Theodore Herzl came up with the ideo of a jewish state in palestine in the 19th century due to anti-semitism , mainly in eastern europe. Hitler was the catalyst for israel actually being founded as he messed the jews up hard enough they would leave europe for sandnigger palestine. However there has been jewish settlement since the 19th century.

This has lead to Israel and the Palestine conflict, as the Jews grab more land. But israel is supported by freemasons due to one reason. Political Zionism vs Islam will be the third world war, which will destroy both groups involved and usher in a one world government ruled by the synagogue of satan , which is not the same thing as normal jews as they(the S.O.S) worship lucifer. See albert pike, Morals and Dogma for the third world war between Political Zionism and Islam.
here is interesting vod asking the Jews about killing Palestinian children.
I guess I will do my part and ask. @oddguy have you killed any Palestinian children, if so would you do it again?

He ain't killin em, he's selling them to Dick Masterson
The reason why apartheid fell is the blacks did the terrorism and the whites didnt have a harsh enough response.
Pedowood got involved.
And turned a convicted drunk wife beater into the hero of S. Africa and basically got him elected.

There are times which I really despise what my country does. When can we go back to starting revolutions in 3rd world countries again? I'm looking right at you Ireland.
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