People can be so damn sensitive

What kind of Literature do you study.

My PhD is focused on the works of Christopher Marlowe who was an English playwright. Not quite as good as Shakespeare but pretty alright in his own way.

Did you take Classical studies, as you mentioned a Classical education.

Before I went to the university I attended a classical lyceum. A lyceum is a kind of secondary school. It roughly corresponds to the final three grades of an American school. Afterwards my degree was focused on English lit in general and my master's was on comparative literature.

People can be sensitive about all types of shit

Tell me about it. Some of those types of shit are understandable as they are based on accumulated emotional baggage resulting from the immense pressure exerted on certain people by an overbearing society which imposes impossible standards. Other types of shit are just fun to exploit.

black people are really sensitive about people calling them filthy niggers.

Try calling them "white niggers" and let me know what happens. I mean, white implies cleanliness, right?

And Academia has been hijacked by the left

Academia was always progressive and tight with the left. What's occuring nowadays is not so much a hijacking as it is a radicalization. It is however mostly prominent in the US due to a number of political reasons originating from outside the Academia and even there it's not as widespread as people outside the inner circle are inclined to believe. This simplistic understanding of what goes on in campuses mainly serves to validate the pre-conceived notions shared by people who could never get in or stay in once they got there.

and is becoming less and less relevant outside of STEM fields.

There is a distinction to be made between education and training. Academia is not about "relevance" but research into stuff we (the members) are into. There is really little else to it, we just enjoy this shit. Still, a PhD in lit pretty much guarantees me a teaching gig within the university if I so desire.
My PhD is focused on the works of Christopher Marlowe who was an English playwright. Not quite as good as Shakespeare but pretty alright in his own way.

Before I went to the university I attended a classical lyceum. A lyceum is a kind of secondary school. It roughly corresponds to the final three grades of an American school. Afterwards my degree was focused on English lit in general and my master's was on comparative literature.

Tell me about it. Some of those types of shit are understandable as they are based on accumulated emotional baggage resulting from the immense pressure exerted on certain people by an overbearing society which imposes impossible standards. Other types of shit are just fun to exploit.

Try calling them "white niggers" and let me know what happens. I mean, white implies cleanliness, right?

Academia was always progressive and tight with the left. What's occuring nowadays is not so much a hijacking as it is a radicalization. It is however mostly prominent in the US due to a number of political reasons originating from outside the Academia and even there it's not as widespread as people outside the inner circle are inclined to believe. This simplistic understanding of what goes on in campuses mainly serves to validate the pre-conceived notions shared by people who could never get in or stay in once they got there.

There is a distinction to be made between education and training. Academia is not about "relevance" but research into stuff we (the members) are into. There is really little else to it, we just enjoy this shit. Still, a PhD in lit pretty much guarantees me a teaching gig within the university if I so desire.
Well thats very informative. Having a PhD in lit meaning you can teach in the university , i hope you dont mean as a TA cuz in Canada, they dont make jack shit, Literally their so poor they go to the food bank. Maybe its different in Yankee land. But if you want to teach best bet is to join a teachers union, get your bachelors of education and all that and then teach kids in private schools for the rest of your life.
Well thats very informative.

Happy to oblige. I'm new here.

Having a PhD in lit meaning you can teach in the university , i hope you dont mean as a TA cuz in Canada, they dont make jack shit

Over here in Greece you begin as a lowly assistant to a professor and then eventually become a lowly lecturer. The pay is meager at best but it's a pretty alright job. Nine out of ten students are female.

Literally their so poor they go to the food bank.

Say, do you know this for a fact? A friend of mine who moved to Toronto and teaches there tells me the economy is in the shitter due to the pandemic.

But if you want to teach best bet is to join a teachers union, get your bachelors of education and all that and then teach kids in private schools for the rest of your life.

I'd rather get hired at a public school. That would make me an employee of the public sector which means nobody can ever assess my performance or fire me until I choose to retire. Seriously, that is how things work over here.

You have no idea how right you are about the absolute necessity of joining a union though.
Happy to oblige. I'm new here.

Over here in Greece you begin as a lowly assistant to a professor and then eventually become a lowly lecturer. The pay is meager at best but it's a pretty alright job. Nine out of ten students are female.

Say, do you know this for a fact? A friend of mine who moved to Toronto and teaches there tells me the economy is in the shitter due to the pandemic.

I'd rather get hired at a public school. That would make me an employee of the public sector which means nobody can ever assess my performance or fire me until I choose to retire. Seriously, that is how things work over here.

You have no idea how right you are about the absolute necessity of joining a union though.
Yes, I know for a fact bcuz when I was in undergrad the TAs were gong to the food bank, the university would pay them that little. The university newspaper even wrote a story on it.
ive actually never read the books.

You're not missing much. They do make for a good reading though while growing up.

i think fiction books are useless.

That is a rather sweeping statement. The more you avoid these the less foolish you are apt to look in retrospect.

you might as well just play video games

You should at least try reading some comic books. I mean that unironically. Don't buy into the crap that is propagated about literature being useless. Well-trained soulless automatons are more easily controlled.

I find biographies boring; it's the same song and dance for all of them.


I DO like history books however

I like the (intended?) implication that history books are mostly fiction.

and manuals are indispensable.

He was talking about literature.

Now I ask myself why bother

Yes, I imagine you ask that of yourself a lot.
Every now and then someone from school will contact me on facebook, probably because i did so "bad" at school

Always fun dunking on them about how successful i am
yes shitposting on an obscure has really shown your are one of lives winners
If you're strictly utilitarian, then I suppose so. I find biographies boring; it's the same song and dance for all of them. I DO like history books however, and manuals are indispensable.
I mean to say that reading is seen as an intelligent or productive hobby but realistically unless you're reading Benjamin Graham you might as well just play PUBG.
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