pitbull hate

Ok so lets talk about pitbulls and why we hate them! I got a good story

One time I was delivering to some lady and when I knocked on her door her dog immediatly started snarling like a rabid animal. She opened the door and I could see her dog was a p*tbull, fortunatly there was still a glass door between me and it. This lady (who was very fat and very white) grabs the pitbulls collar and starts pulling him back as hard as she can but he wont budge. Eventually she manages to get him back and shuts him in a closet, then she opens the glass door

"Oh don't worry about him he is actually a sweetheart"

'pitmommies' are the queens of retardation. To top it all off before she closed the door I saw a race mixed kid walk behind her lmao
are you a pitbull apologist?
He is right tho, retards always go for certain breeds like pitbulls and chihuahua and Maltese. Giving the animals a bad reputation.
Almost all of the animal bites I've seen in the ER are from pitbulls or German Shepards. The bites from German Shepards are almost always from people running from a K9 unit.

What's really fucking funny is that dumbass owners who get bitten by pitbulls will tell me it was an "American Terrier" that bit them because they're still deluding themselves that pitbulls aren't aggressive.
it's kinda gay to care about stuff in general but really, this is something people care about these days?
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