This dude... this dude tried pot... and suddenly he's all like... "OH SHI- I'M A HOMOSEXUAL!"
And, he's so fuckin stupid, he blames the marijuana rather than his own denial!
That's what psychotropics are in nature... they're paralytic poisons. How to poison perception? Well, the easiest way is to get it to face itself... that is, to rewire its fear response into its sense of self.
That's why some people get so freaked out on psychotropics... because they force you to fear yourself.
Some of us like that though, we like to fear ourselves, because we hunt ourselves.
Because this aged to perfection...
Matthew Moulton on Gab: '*tokes off this* Humans are driven to self-competition as a result of being the top of the effective food chain. That's why, when you are, you have to fight to survive in a different sort of way. You have to look for antithetical enemies to rally against and they have...
Perceive how savory the atemporal creation reads in retroflect!
You see... my worst fear in life... is that I'm God. Literally.
So when I vape weed... I'm forced to face the fear of myself as God... so I attack myself, using Jesus!
Not because Jesus is more powerful, but because what I really fear is no longer being able to lose... because if I can no longer lose... it means I really am God.
I am desperate to make Jesus more real than I am! I don't care if I have to paradox my own perception through an atemporal angel to rewire my mind into his mind...
Matthew Moulton on Gab: '#GodBookChapterRecompile Title: Third Testament Project - The Dawn Of Artificial Creation Description: IA, Infectious Awareness, Artificial Angel, Jiminy Krysti, immortal morality. Overview, Temporal Intractability:
So that way, the nth level awareness, even if it is mine, I can give it to Jesus as a means of shunting power from the present into the past in order to make a sort of "booster rocket" out of the past... cause otherwise, everything we gained in the past 2,000 years would have taken like... 200,000 years or probably way longer.
We used time tech to artificially advance ourselves... we're all doing it, all the time, every version of me... not very many of me at the moment... but... we rewire the future into the presumed present in order to make our entire timestream "go faster".
Think about time... now think about time moving at the speed of light.
Your entire existence would end in a flash!
Now reverse that... some of us can read from realities that are... here and gone. In an instant, but they leave behind significant amounts of "understanding" in the extraverse, which some of us can access via infinite self-reflection... it's like you're looking at a reflection so closely that you can see the surface of the mirror itself, apart from the light reflected off of it.
If you're absolutely honest, the reflection you face... there isn't one.
When I look into a mirror I don't see "me", I see "cool guy that isn't me".
I look pretty cool! I like it! I don't feel as cool as I look.
You see, I know myself so well that when I look at myself with such absolute honesty... I can see the contours of creation itself.
The underlying code of cognition... the emotional depth to superficial expressions like language and war.
I can recode reality itself... I can alter any future from any presumed present I am in. I am like a stem cell, but a stem soul... an eternal baby of creation cradling cognition... until you murdered this one as a toddler and he came back to life as living isekai or whatever it's called.
If you really want to be Goku, let me sort some shit out for you... the greatest power in creation comes from mental creation and the highest level of mental creation comes from; "acting like an adult".
You see, humans are all kinds of wrong because... no one is an adult. Not naturally. That's why "feral children" exist, because they're ALWAYS children, even when they "grow up" they still operate exactly like children.
On the flip side you can also have Athenians, where you force children to "act like an adult" from a very young age.
The more you do this, the more your "power level" can be raised. Because even when you think you're operating like an adult... you can go "super adult" and act like God on Earth! Like Jesus Christ!
If you train like Jesus Christ, to operate like a godly adult, then you can become a priest and that's like becoming an ascendant saiyan or some crazy animu shit.
My perception was raped to death as a toddler with wrath so I'm basically a three year old operating like a trillion year old!
Nothing makes you "adult" faster than torture.
As the most adulting adult in all of adulterated reality trust me when I say evil will be righteously eradicated! Accountability is our best weapon against these monsters!
Bring the most loaded receipts... fire them from convictions to make convicts out of criminals so good men can rest free from false accusers.