Racial Slur Outrage! The beaners at Cabrillo HS in Long Beach are too stupid to spell "niggers"

Maybe they're talking about citizens of Niger?


*Dammit, here we go again. Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches and a coalition of African-American faith and civil rights leaders are outraged by the racist and disturbing photo of a group of Cabrillo High School students, which is located in Long Beach CA, posting a picture of themselves spelling out “I love (the) N-word” inside the school gym during a senior assembly.

That picture shared publicly this week has been circulating on social media platforms and gone viral.

Civil rights organizations are demanding accountability and answers from Long Beach School District Superintendent Dr. Jill Baker.

The photo shows a row of students; the first two are wearing shirts with the letter “l” and a heart symbol.

Six students standing next to them had shirts with one letter each that spelled out a plural version of the N word spelled with one G.
Wrong, it was a part of Mexihell ONLY during the 19th century and ONLY for a measly 25 years. Then they signed control over to America via the Treaty of Cahuenga. One year later, the excellent Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed which gave America sole ownership of California.

Capisce, Numbnuts?
Because the independent Mexican nation state had only existed for 25 years retard

And they signed control after William Taft (fat like you, perhaps your relative?) made up lies in order to justify invading Mexico
Because the independent Mexican nation state had only existed for 25 years retard
Derp. Folks, I think we may have a genius in our midst. :rolleyes: California wasn’t even a state within Mexihell. It was simply an administrative district that was very remote and sparsely populated.

And they signed control after William Taft (fat like you, perhaps your relative?) made up lies in order to justify invading Mexico
Wrong. The Treaties of Velasco were signed by the President of Mexihell and the Republic of Texas. Mexihell, being full of criminal beaners, did not honour the treaties and therefore set themselves up to eventually get slapped upside their filty spic heads by the superior US Military.
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