
Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor

1. Germany:

Germany honours the heroes of the National Socialist movement who fallen on November 9, 1923.

– Munich Gauleiter Paul Giesler and Field Marshal Keitel at the monument at the ceremony.
– Wreath from the Führer.

On this day in all areas of German Reich battalions of people’s militia take oath.

– In Konigsberg East Prussia Gauleiter Koch refers to a people’s militia forces, have distinguished themselves in battle.
– Those militias, the elderly, the young men.
– Oath at the flag.
– Volkssturm warriors, armed with Panzerfaust.

2. Germany/Danzig:

Newspaper headline about the organization Volkssturm Knight Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, the captain of the submarine Werner Hartmann in Torne.

– Gauleiter of Danzig Albert Forster inspects Volkssturm unit.
– Reichsleiter, SA Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Schepmann addresses a speech to the militias.
– Ceremonial march militia fighters through the old Free and Hanseatic City of Danzig.

3. Germany/Berlin:

– Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the national militia gathered in Berlin on the square Wilhelmplatz at the Ministry of Propaganda of the building to take the oath.
– Hanging a banner: „Volkssturm fighting for his life and freedom of Greater Germany.“
– Reichsminister Dr Joseph Goebbels and the generals on the podium.
– The officer speaks from the balcony of the oath to the Führer, militias repeat after him.
– The ceremonial passing of Volkssturm soldiers.
– Goebbels delivers a speech to fight not only at the front, but also at home.
– Marching soldiers with Panzerfausts, squad in civilian clothes with rifles in their hands.
– The parade watching foreign attaché, Japanese Ambassador Oshima.
– The passage at the Brandenburg Gate.

4. Western Front - Battles with the Anglo-American forces in the Vosges:

– On the line-Epinal-Nancy-Delfor.
– An incredible onslaught of a huge number of enemy troops and armoured vehicles. Anglo-Americans who were trying to budge the German front were stopped.
– German soldiers in anticipation of battle, a soldier reading a newspaper.
– In the trenches of mud and water, infantry shovels flinging muck.
– An observer looking through binoculars on the terrain.
– Soldiers from the machine-gun nest shell enemy group which broke from the forest area.
– Firing mortars, anti-tank gun.
– The soldier looks at the sky, where there are Allied planes.
– German armoured flak during an air raid.
– Laying explosive mines on the bridge under enemy fire.
– Lt.Gen. Edgar Feuchtinger awards Senior Corporal Henry Maurer, distinguished himself in the fight with tanks in the short run, the Knight’s Cross.
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