Re-introduction (I have amnesia)


Based Necromancer


Based Necromancer
fat + retarded


Based Necromancer
stretching the definition there tbh
well I was assigned male at birth and I feature male genitals and have XY chromosomes, I see no fucking stretching here I am legit male
never go back to being a normal man
I might die trying, better than drink self to death surely, well perhaps be like FTM without actually being one lmfao.
cut out your balls
Balls were gently tapped with something sharp and inner bits were massaged, plus they drink a bit, they were thirsty, no cutting happened, stop fakes.
You're a fucking attention whoring faggot who sucked your own cousin's dick
That is what western media want you to think, I would never do such a thing. Don't believe this ridiculous propaganda.


Based Necromancer


Based Necromancer
you admitted yourself you don't feel like a complete man with your ability to reproduce removed

Yeah shit happened, it is not even important and literally does not define you as a male or woman.


Based Necromancer
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Based Necromancer
you admitted yourself you don't feel like a complete man with your ability to reproduce removed
It is like stating, you will never be a woman but you also will never be a man.
It is like stating, you will never be a woman but you also will never be a man.
I am not crying it is actually eunuch-affirming, and at least I don't really have to deal with sex and can spend time more productively, like making shit posts on EDF.
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