have you guys seen this?
have you guys seen this?
have you guys seen this?
A week after the crowds descended upon Provincetown, Massachusetts, to celebrate the Fourth of July -- the holiday President Joe Biden hoped would mark the nation's liberation from COVID-19 -- the manager of the Cape Cod beach town said he was aware of "a handful of positive COVID cases among folks" who spent time there.
But within weeks, health officials seemed to be on to something much bigger. The outbreak quickly grew to the hundreds and most of them appeared to be vaccinated.
As of Thursday, 882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized, yet officials said the vast majority were also reporting symptoms.
hasn't gone through detailed studies to find out what the long-term ramifications
And as a bonus, the 'vaccine' doesn't stop you from contracting the virus (nobody ever said that, from the beginnig we know the vaccine...any vaccine...has a PERCENTAGE of success, no vacinne is 100% effective) it doesn't stop you from spreading the virus (same: percentajes, tard ) and it apparently doesn't stop you from ending up in the hospital if you have comorbidities. (yes, if your health is already shit, a lot of things can make you end in a hospital, stop the presses!)
882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. 74% of them were fully immunized
No, they werent. The link literally says "Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized"
Not that 74% of the infected were already inmunized
Yeah, next time we suffer a high transmission rate pandemia, let's just hope something as wise as you is in charge and ensure the full 4 year... no, let's make it 10 years!... study to fully understand all the possible side effects...
The global graveyard is gonna feel super smart
The idea that vaccines halt transmission of the virus was largely behind the CDC's decision in May suggesting vaccinated people could safely go without their masks indoors and in crowds, even if others were unvaccinated.
But that assumption had been based on studies of earlier versions of the virus. Delta was known for its "hyper-transmissibility,"
So the problem is people not wearing mask too early, not the vaccine. Not a single european country has allowed that yet... but of course we don't go full retard with our f-f-fredumb!! nnnnggggg
Furthermore, again from your very link: Information on the delta variants from several states and other countries, indicate that in rare occasion some vaccinated people infected with a delta variant after vaccination may be contagious and spread the virus to others," she added.
1º Do you know how long coronavirus vaccines have been in development? 2º Did you know that NO successful coronavirus vaccine has ever been developed? 3º What makes you think that a vaccine for a new version of coronavirus could be produced in less than a year and safely administered?
Totally bogus argument. The so-called 'delta variant' is a red-herring. Why? People have been getting infected with the original virus, transmitting that virus to others, and ending up in the hospital after getting BOTH JABS. They were fully immunized. This was happening IN THE SPRING.
Did you already forget what the poison dwarf Fauci stated about masks?: they. do. not. work. Staying indoors does. not. work.
Are you one of those lemmings who simply nods his head as he follows orders and walks off a cliff?
Wait what's this?It's telling how many conservatives truly trust Trump because none of them want the Trump vaccine.
Wait what's this?
And of course the correction.
Biden, Harris distrusted Trump, not COVID-19 vaccines
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been pushing Americans to get inoculated against COVID-19. Butwww.politifact.com
and then this:
Fauci admits ‘modest’ NIH funding of Wuhan lab but denies ‘gain of function’
The country’s top infectious disease expert has long pushed back on the notion the US funded research that made coronaviruses more lethal or transmissible.nypost.com
Sen. Paul: Fauci emails prove he knew of Wuhan gain-of-function research
Sen. Rand Paul said in an interview with Fox News that the recently revealed emails regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci paint the official in a “disturbing” light.nypost.com
You wonder why anyone would trust the vaccines.
Because the politicization of the virus/vax stems from the left. "Travel bans boo evil racist trump. We're a nation of immigrants." Like that has to do with anything. Why didn't they just yell out "Evil racist trump. BOOO! Check for lumps monthly and see a doctor if concerned." It would have been more accurate, related and helpful.Anyways, that's a completely separated topic of trusting or not the vaxx, different players, different stakes, different everything... not sure why you mention that
Sadly true. Because there is no real change or change of result now. Like you said in your previous post. But Trump was over target when he was getting flack from not only the left but also the RINO right is my observation. So by evidence of reaction, Trump was onto something. Too bad Trump wasn't "cleaner." However, if he was I'm sure he would have lost like Mitt.Debating political leaders and their positions in the US is comical,
Perhaps. But if the ones in charge, let's say I agree, "the banks," continue in their manner, to squeeze the population, the result will be riots perhaps even revolution. We're already seeing some of those symptoms. However, in the immediate and near future there is no money in that. That type of situation, that type of post chaos money is 10 years after the end of the violence in my estimation. It's an enormous amount of money, but which American bank has the resources to survive that long? People cannot pay off debts if the country is in upheaval. Bank CEO's do like their trappings. No American bank is going to go into this willing only to lose their assets to the the final victor of all of this -- when the Federal Reserve finally becomes what it always tried to be: the USA, state run monopoly bank. I'm curious if things got tight would we see other national banks buy up American banks. If that happens -- there's definitely something afoot.they are appointed for reasons decided upon by the banks..
Our greatest ally
Because the politicization of the virus/vax stems from the left. "Travel bans boo evil racist trump. We're a nation of immigrants." Like that has to do with anything. Why didn't they just yell out "Evil racist trump. BOOO! Check for lumps monthly and see a doctor if concerned." It would have been more accurate, related and helpful.
It's clicky if you don't follow up on the story.
Anthony Fauci's Emails Reveal The Pressure That Fell On One Man
Thousands of pages of communications obtained by BuzzFeed News show how Fauci tried to keep Americans calm and develop an effective strategy despite conflicts with the Trump administration.www.buzzfeednews.com