Retarded Car Mods.

Why do you like shitty cars?
as an american, you may not understand the appeal of a 750 cc 34 hp shitbox with different wheelbases left and right, but i do. i appreciate french cars because they feel like they don't take themselves seriously at all. They used to have creativity in their engineering, making them a treat for a mechanical engineer like me. Maybe you'd get it if you drove a few miles with a shitty car like that. Yes, it's bad, it's slow and it doesn't make sense, but it doesn't feel like any other car. It's got character.

Thanks for asking btw, almost forgot myself why I like my shitty old 4CV.
as an american, you may not understand the appeal of a 750 cc 34 hp shitbox with different wheelbases left and right,
Not just to Americans. Just about every sane person on the planet. Imagine channeling shekel saving so hard that you make weird design choices like having different wheelbases. But in doing so having to make twice as many suspension parts because French and gay, and totally negating any build savings.
I like my shitty old 4CV.
Ok. I get it you like retarded cars. I also like retarded cars. Mainly 60's and early 70's American muscle cars. They don't do anything well except go fast in a straight line. But at least they look cool. The older French and gay cars look like a retarded poor man's VW Bug.
Mainly 60's and early 70's American muscle cars.
those are nice to look at, ngl
But in doing so having to make twice as many suspension parts
incorrect. Those Renaults have the same suspension arm left and right, just offset longitudinally by a few centimeters.
Imagine channeling shekel saving so hard that you make weird design choices like having different wheelbases. But in doing so having to make twice as many suspension parts because French and gay, and totally negating any build savings.
they did it because they wanted the rear wheels completely independent of each other, like this

Also funny is how they installed the shock absorber as horizontally as they could, so it doesn't intrude into the trunk. You won't find a car today with as many funny little ideas as you could back then in France.

Anyway we are arguing over a low quality bait troll post made by (((anglos))). They are not wrong that the French made surprisingly many models with weird solutions, but overall very many boring and average cars were built and sold by them, too. Mainly Peugeot, see 403, 404, 504, 505 for normal sedans and wagons, and 205, 104 for cheap shitboxes. Since the 90s it's basically the same hatchback all over Europe, no matter what brand.
I is retard. I likes the retarded cars.
The amount of trunk space saved is what a couple bottles of wine. Does the average frenchman/french prostitute need to haul around six cases of wine everywhere they go?

As so far as the suspension. You could bend the torsion arms so they fit like this
perfecting French engineering autism.png

You could then have the same wheel base and not look retarded because the retarded parts would be hidden away.
As so far as the shock absorbers, they wanted to dampen vertical travel with a horizontially placed shock. Honestly, (rhetorical) what's wrong with that solution. They could have mounted the shock towers in the door well/back rest of the back seat.

Simple solutions to French defective minds.
Honestly, (rhetorical) what's wrong with that solution
exactly, nothing :) The advantage is no shock towers in the way when loading stuff in the back. It would not have fit in the back rest of the back seats because the wheelbase was so large.

So far you have not named any advantage to not having different wheelbases left and right except to stop the car from looking retarded. Which is nothing a frenchman or I would ever think of, I just think it looks funny and triggers Anglos, which is a net win in my book.
exactly, nothing :) The advantage is no shock towers in the way when loading stuff in the back. It would not have fit in the back rest of the back seats because the wheelbase was so large.
How much space is saved. It's negatable.
Trying to dampen vertical movement with a horizontally placed dampener is retarded due to the vertical forces wanting to travel vertically, to redirect them horizontally, I would imagine the shocks would have to be really stout.
So far you have not named any advantage to not having different wheelbases left and right except to stop the car from looking retarded. Which is nothing a frenchman or I would ever think of, I just think it looks funny and triggers Anglos, which is a net win in my book.
The advantage is: exposing how retarded the French are and why their car industry is limited to France. B4 Peugeot 505 handling and what not. The further from France's borders, the fewer of them you see. It's not a suprise.
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