Russians and da jooz have Telegram founder arrested.

So you agree or disagree that France was influenced by Israel and Russia and arresting Durov would benefit them the most. Because it sure sounds like you do.

You do know other nations frequently arrest and detain people with in their borders for other nations, right?
I think you should touch grass
So you're mad he made fun of a female. Quite the feminist you are
It's impressive how much he falls on his face once anybody pokes holes in his thinly veiled logic
Once he can't argue back he autistic reacts and insults you
Weird that the only people who are into politics here are exactly the same

Call Me Tim

It's impressive how much he falls on his face once anybody pokes holes in his thinly veiled logic
Once he can't argue back he autistic reacts and insults you
Weird that the only people who are into politics here are exactly the same
You didn't read the thread either.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Your "logic" is literally nothing but insults, insinuations, and outright lies.
Sad you're so butthurt all the time, perhaps take a deep breath and think about what you're reading and what you respond with.
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