Russians aren't white


Russians are literally not European. They have more Asian/Mongoloid DNA than European.
So much that they talk about muh Meds and in the end a Spaniard or Italian is more Aryan than a Russian.
Even an Arab has more Caucasian DNA than a Russian.
Vatniks are mutts among 9999 Asian ethnicities like Tartars, Kalmyks, Finno-Ugrics, etc. and untermensch Slavs and Slavs are already subhumans.
Ukrainians are also subhumans with Mongoloid DNA BUT the reason why Ukraine is better and more based is because Ukrainians have a great Germanic and Nordic contribution from the Vikings of Kievan Rus that is why Ukrainians look more Aryan than Vatniggers. Although that is more the Ukrainians of the west (that is to say the most banderite, pro-NATO, pro-EU areas).
There is a minority of Aryan Russians, usually the northwestern Russians in areas near the Baltic countries or the Volga Russians, in both cases these Russians are almost German/Nordic.
ruso morenazi.jpg
hijo del Rus de Kiev conquistador de Siberia.jpg
Slav = Slave. There is no such thing as a Slavic race, they were just a bunch of subhuman peoples enslaved by Germans, Ottomans, Arabs, Berbers, Romans and Greeks who interbred with each other, creating the cosmic Euromutt race of Eastern Jewropa. The bait of Slavic superiority or Slavic power fell through. The Slavs were mongolized subhumans and primitive inferiors. They are perhaps the ones with the least European DNA, since all the foreign invasions to Europe came from Eastern Europe, such as the Mongols, Finno-Ugrics, Tartars, Huns, Khazars, Magyars, Gypsies, Iranians, etc. The Slavs never built anything, while civilization flourished in the rest of Europe, in Eastern Europe they were still Flintstone apes who killed each other like good steppenniggers. The so-called Slavic empires were dystopian tyrannies where a despotic and ruthless tyrant ruled over a horde of inferior subhumans, pale apes who fear him and obey him without question because they are scared to death, just like the Russian empire and the USSR where they did nothing but starve and eat each other like their Scythian androphagi ancestors did, who cannibalized each other like good white niggers... Definitely the blacks of Europe.
Just saying what
The people from the Caucasus region are white, just like the people from the Mediterranean region are white. There is no pure race; every subrace has eventually intermixed with subraces from different races. The point is that the people from the Caucasus region are predominantly wigger, as opposed to nigger or yigger.

Russians aren't white

Just like in the US, it depends on their ancestry. There are definitely quite a few white Russians, but there’s also lots of Russians with ethnically mixed ancestry.

I’m not sure how the Russian government classifies people who might be 2/3 white and 1/3 turkic or 3/4 white and 1/4 asian. As we know in the US, there is no such thing as a “white Hispanic”. That absurd notion was created so that filthy Mexican’t mestizo mongrels wouldn’t feel so ashamed of their dogshit ancestry.
Just like in the US, it depends on their ancestry. There are definitely quite a few white Russians, but there’s also lots of Russians with ethnically mixed ancestry.

I’m not sure how the Russian government classifies people who might be 2/3 white and 1/3 turkic or 3/4 white and 1/4 asian. As we know in the US, there is no such thing as a “white Hispanic”. That absurd notion was created so that filthy Mexican’t mestizo mongrels wouldn’t feel so ashamed of their dogshit ancestry.
OP is a mestizo. Be nice.
lets make this easier, who *is* white?
only people with blond hair and blue eyes? are gingers white? what about french or spaniards? how about a nigger with albinism? do afrikaaners count as white?
Americans (Unitedstatesians if you want to be pedantic) are white by virtue of being the most powerful country in the world.

Don't like it? Come and take it from the US.
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