Slav = Slave. There is no such thing as a Slavic race, they were just a bunch of subhuman peoples enslaved by Germans, Ottomans, Arabs, Berbers, Romans and Greeks who interbred with each other, creating the cosmic Euromutt race of Eastern Jewropa. The bait of Slavic superiority or Slavic power fell through. The Slavs were mongolized subhumans and primitive inferiors. They are perhaps the ones with the least European DNA, since all the foreign invasions to Europe came from Eastern Europe, such as the Mongols, Finno-Ugrics, Tartars, Huns, Khazars, Magyars, Gypsies, Iranians, etc. The Slavs never built anything, while civilization flourished in the rest of Europe, in Eastern Europe they were still Flintstone apes who killed each other like good steppenniggers. The so-called Slavic empires were dystopian tyrannies where a despotic and ruthless tyrant ruled over a horde of inferior subhumans, pale apes who fear him and obey him without question because they are scared to death, just like the Russian empire and the USSR where they did nothing but starve and eat each other like their Scythian androphagi ancestors did, who cannibalized each other like good white niggers... Definitely the blacks of Europe.