Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

"Call the fucking cops."

911: 911 What's your emergency?
Antifaggot: Yeah I just got my ass kicked and someone stole my phone.
911: What's your current location?
Antifaggot: I'm a citizen of Chaz....
911: Sorry sir that's out of our jurisdiction and outside of US national borders. Please redirect your call to the proper authorities there. Thank you and have a nice day.

Anarchy City with armed guards.
That's unusual - it looks like it's raining in Seattle.
ANTIFAggots actually cheering the troll post of receiving trained islamic terrorists. Looks like they've shown their hand.
Dubai dindu warlord

Why hasn't the ATF taken him down. He's in videos handing out serialized weapons --

Several new gun control provisions were enacted when I-1639 was approved by the voters in November 2018.[11] These include increased background checks, firearm safety training, a waiting period and a 21 years old age minimum before buying semi-automatic rifles,[12][13] new age limitations on who may purchase or possess certain firearms, including prohibiting some firearm purchases by persons under age 21, and require certain secured firearm storage or trigger-locks, and criminalizing certain firearm storage if it results in unauthorized use.[14][15] Some local counties have adopted Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions in opposition.[16]
Why hasn't the ATF taken him down. He's in videos handing out serialized weapons --

Several new gun control provisions were enacted when I-1639 was approved by the voters in November 2018.[11] These include increased background checks, firearm safety training, a waiting period and a 21 years old age minimum before buying semi-automatic rifles,[12][13] new age limitations on who may purchase or possess certain firearms, including prohibiting some firearm purchases by persons under age 21, and require certain secured firearm storage or trigger-locks, and criminalizing certain firearm storage if it results in unauthorized use.[14][15] Some local counties have adopted Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions in opposition.[16]
Because they are not under US jurisdiction? Lol what do you not understand here
Because they are not under US jurisdiction? Lol what do you not understand here
You clearly don't understand the juristiction of the ATF. ATF is FEDERAL, which mean NATIONWIDE. WHICH MEANS ANYFUCKINGWHERE IN MERICA.

Or are you actually saying these six city blocks are in fact a separate country now. Seriously? LOL k. Your dream bro.
You clearly don't understand the juristiction of the ATF. ATF is FEDERAL, which mean NATIONWIDE. WHICH MEANS ANYFUCKINGWHERE IN MERICA.
Chazonia has been recognised in an official capacity by numerous members of government

Or are you actually saying these six city blocks are in fact a separate country now. Seriously? LOL k. Your dream
Until the US invades, yeah

Dude they are keeping cops at gunpoint when they come near the border lol
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