Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

Its very dangerous for a state to leave the impression that its losing his monopoly on the use of force.

Or are you saying they are baiting them into burning even more neighborhoods to the ground?
I don´t see a possible win here for either Trump or the dems if this further escalates.
Whatever happens it's a win for EDF :popcorn:
Its very dangerous for a state to leave the impression that its losing his monopoly on the use of force.

Or are you saying they are baiting them into burning even more neighborhoods to the ground?
I don´t see a possible win here for either Trump or the dems if this further escalates.
You ever read Animal Farm? See Lord of the Flies?
That's why. No one in their right mind expects this to last because there's a giant power vacuum. Security is legit provided by random volunteer militia groups who have no real training, and unlike cops, there are no policies or checks and balances for them to follow what so ever.
The second any in fighting starts, might will make right.
Waiting for the imbeciles to fuck it up on their own doesn´t seem like a acceptable strategy for the executive of a first world nation.

Even though it would probably work, I´ll give you that.
Why would you waste national guard on six blocks of land that can't even feed some hobos
Especially when your country is burning to the ground during one of the biggest viral pandemics in recorded history.
So, the down low for now is that a group of randoms lead by a hip hop artist have taken up arms and basically taken over the commune labeling themselves police. This would be the same group who threatened to blow that one journalist's head off.
The commune is looking for a way to get this group off the premise but have no idea how because it has no official militia it can hold accountable
So, the down low for now is that a group of randoms lead by a hip hop artist have taken up arms and basically taken over the commune labeling themselves police. This would be the same group who threatened to blow that one journalist's head off.
The commune is looking for a way to get this group off the premise but have no idea how because it has no official militia it can hold accountable
Suck my titties

New leader of the zone is a militant nigger named Raz Simone
He's a pimp
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