Seattle ANTIFAggots say, "Hold my patchouli," and steal six city blocks.

You live in a 2d world
You clearly don't know what 1st, 2nd, or 3rd world is in reference to.
I would suggest removing the beam in your own eye before attending the speck in mine.

The american revolutionaries were antifa terrorists, you better leave the US
You called the British empire fascist. Fucking amazing.
How did you go from claiming anarchists are anti gun to ranting not even sure which group you're talking about
In the transitionary period between now and the dismantlement of the Seattle Police Department, we demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely. No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.

You don't see this as a precursor to banning firearms outright. Or is it just going to be the police? Asides it being blatantly against the 2nd amendment, it's blatantly unconstitutional. It's singling out a specific group to have less rights. Gee where have we seen that before.

ANTIFA is working with
Democrat Socialists of America (DSA)
Workers World Party (WWP)
Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)
Well fellas it was fun while it lasted

The antifa dairies
Day 1. Established Capitol Hill Autonomous zone.

Tried to set up barricades. Barricades not very good.

Homeless we invited in stole all our food. Sent out request for foreign aid.

Transexual leader accused of being abusive by sexual partner. Committed suicide.

Day 2: Cast out all armed hardliner communists from the anarchist zone. Shortly after, an armed pimp and his gang took over the commune. Began extorting local businesses for money. Delivered brutal beatings to anarchists for graffiti.

Day 3: Planted farm in public park. Farm is not very good.

Police arrived. Welcomed as liberators.

End of diary.

Well fellas it was fun while it lasted
View attachment 926
The antifa dairies
Day 1. Established Capitol Hill Autonomous zone.

Tried to set up barricades. Barricades not very good.

Homeless we invited in stole all our food. Sent out request for foreign aid.

Transexual leader accused of being abusive by sexual partner. Committed suicide.

Day 2: Cast out all armed hardliner communists from the anarchist zone. Shortly after, an armed pimp and his gang took over the commune. Began extorting local businesses for money. Delivered brutal beatings to anarchists for graffiti.

Day 3: Planted farm in public park. Farm is not very good.

Police arrived. Welcomed as liberators.

End of diary.

View attachment 927
Its ok they are going to try to build one in Portland, which should be more successful
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