Senseless consumerism as a source of joy


A little over a week ago, the local government was forced to lift lockdown restrictions and allow stores of all kinds to open for business. This decision was made under tremendous duress since the perpetually half-dead economy is finally ready to officially kick the bucket in a spectacular fashion.

Every single day since then people from all manner of socio-economic backgrounds have been storming the malls and other major shopping centres, a few thousand of them each time, in order to purchase non-essential crap. All this while a wordlwide pandemic is ravaging the globe.

When asked by reporters on the scene about the absurdity of waiting in line outside the department store in order to get a random t-shirt in the middle of January, one young woman replied with "It's not about the shirt, I just want to buy stuff. It's the only thing that makes me happy, makes me feel alive."

The number of coronavirus cases has skyrocketed and the stores will most likely be shut down again by this weekend. An even stricter lockdown will probably be put in effect but that's of little concern to you, reader.

What surprises me is how devoid of interests people are, of anchors that give meaning to life. There is so much cultural material that is entirely free and available to anybody with an internet connection. You can watch any movie, play any game, listen to any song, read any book for essentially nothing. The raw bulk of content is absolutely staggering yet it's evidently not enough for many of us.

Why do you think that is?


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
wordlwide pandemic is ravaging the globe
have i missed something?? or do you mean that weird flu that killed less people than overcrowded hospitals did last year

also materialism sucks, congratulations for learning that. took you long enough


materialism sucks, congratulations for learning that. took you long enough

That's a moral judgment. Whether I agree with that or not is besides the point.
What I wonder about in the OP is why people surrender themselves so readily to it.
Why, indeed, consooom?


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
That's a moral judgment. Whether I agree with that or not is besides the point.
What I wonder about in the OP is why people surrender themselves so readily to it.
Why, indeed, consooom?
because it's a value system that provides instant gratification and doesn't require any effort


The entire virus has been a psyop perpetrated by mega corporations to rapidly increase profits through online shopping, laying off in store staff to save on wages, and killing off competition by lobbying govs to shut down small business

So elected governments are willing to subject their already impoverished citizens to unprecedented levels of emotional and mental stress, at a point in history when populism in on the rise worldwide and people like your boy Trump get elected President, effectively risking insurrection that can occur as easily as sending out a single tweet, in order to make more profits for guys like Bezos who pay almost nothing in taxes.


EDF2 Survivor
So elected governments are willing to subject their already impoverished citizens to unprecedented levels of emotional and mental stress, at a point in history when populism in on the rise worldwide and people like your boy Trump get elected President, effectively risking insurrection that can occur as easily as sending out a single tweet, in order to make more profits for guys like Bezos who pay almost nothing in taxes.



Evil mega-corps do not exist in a vacuum. Unless you believe they have already secretly colonized Mars and are running the show from there.
If the established system collapses by a violent upheaval of the people brought about by a concentrated dose of misery and pain then the elites also stand to lose a lot. A system, by the way, which has been working pretty well for the rich elites for many years.
Assuming the politicians are also willing to let things reach that point is even more absurd, for reasons which should be obvious.


EDF2 Survivor
Evil mega-corps do not exist in a vacuum. Unless you believe they have already secretly colonized Mars and are running the show from there.
If the established system collapses by a violent upheaval of the people brought about by a concentrated dose of misery and pain then the elites also stand to lose a lot. A system, by the way, which has been working pretty well for the rich elites for many years.
Assuming the politicians are also willing to let things reach that point is even more absurd, for reasons which should be obvious.
Don't be a fag


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
Evil mega-corps do not exist in a vacuum. Unless you believe they have already secretly colonized Mars and are running the show from there.
If the established system collapses by a violent upheaval of the people brought about by a concentrated dose of misery and pain then the elites also stand to lose a lot. A system, by the way, which has been working pretty well for the rich elites for many years.
Assuming the politicians are also willing to let things reach that point is even more absurd, for reasons which should be obvious.
did you just suggest that politicians and corporations are smart? lol


EDF2 Survivor
A little over a week ago, the local government was forced to lift lockdown restrictions and allow stores of all kinds to open for business. This decision was made under tremendous duress since the perpetually half-dead economy is finally ready to officially kick the bucket in a spectacular fashion.

Every single day since then people from all manner of socio-economic backgrounds have been storming the malls and other major shopping centres, a few thousand of them each time, in order to purchase non-essential crap. All this while a wordlwide pandemic is ravaging the globe.

When asked by reporters on the scene about the absurdity of waiting in line outside the department store in order to get a random t-shirt in the middle of January, one young woman replied with "It's not about the shirt, I just want to buy stuff. It's the only thing that makes me happy, makes me feel alive."

The number of coronavirus cases has skyrocketed and the stores will most likely be shut down again by this weekend. An even stricter lockdown will probably be put in effect but that's of little concern to you, reader.

What surprises me is how devoid of interests people are, of anchors that give meaning to life. There is so much cultural material that is entirely free and available to anybody with an internet connection. You can watch any movie, play any game, listen to any song, read any book for essentially nothing. The raw bulk of content is absolutely staggering yet it's evidently not enough for many of us.

Why do you think that is?
The reason why most people dont use the internet as a source of culture and learning is because there are too many niggers, dumb femiods, and other 3rd world type who want instant gratification. And learning shit takes discipline which allot of people dont have. We are all raised on Sugar and Dopamine. Study prepping with your lockdown time dont know if this shit is going to get worse.


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
@devanir suck klaus schwab's dick harder
So elected governments are willing to subject their already impoverished citizens to unprecedented levels of emotional and mental stress, at a point in history when populism in on the rise worldwide and people like your boy Trump get elected President, effectively risking insurrection that can occur as easily as sending out a single tweet, in order to make more profits for guys like Bezos who pay almost nothing in taxes.

hypno no porn.gif
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