were u in special ed or sum?Here's a blizzard box I made when I was 10.
I'm sure you can forgive my 4th grade handwriting when I was in 4th gradewere u in special ed or sum?![]()
stop dodging da question.I'm sure you can forgive my 4th grade handwriting when I was in 4th grade
This isn't the thread for your gab shitApparently this exists...
This also exists...
Captain Spider Toad Falcon
Seriously, what the fuck? It's like the Katamari of comics all up in this bitch. Marvel just rolled Falcon over the franchise and then said, "TADA! Captain America replacement!"
*reads more old writing*
Wait a minute, I wrote all that shit in 2017... what... the... fuck...
Lady Whor
Also known as Femthor! Actually it's about ethics in hammer wielding. There's not really a whole lot to say about this one, she basically "fights crime" by simply having a... which somehow exudes the magical feminist power to make criminals turn themselves in without putting up a fight.
Like imagine if an old, out of touch, Christian minister came up with a superhero concept where the character would just fly in and say something like, "Jesus wouldn't want us to fight, let's be friends and spread peace on earth through prayer!" ...except instead of religion it's "grrrl power" or some goofy regressive retardation.
Why do all the recent MCU movies mimic my satire from last decade? That is... really weird. It's like they took my satire and then tried to bastardize it into something serious.
Cotton probablyi made this about two years ago.
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btw what material is that is that illuminati person made out of? This raccoon is primarily made out of felt.
This isn't the thread for your gab shit
Get the fuck out
dat happened 2000 yrs ago.Like imagine if an old, out of touch, Christian minister came up with a superhero concept
dat happened 2000 yrs ago.![]()
never will.You've never read The Never...
never will.![]()
Do you think Jesus was the only non-eunuch ever to not masturbate and that is the reason he was so special? I mean, no one else at all was in his head. He had no signs of tinnitus and everyone else just wanted in on the party?You've never read The Never...
I seek to save artistry from abuse. As innocence abused I consider the Creative Awareness of Jesus Christ to be the finest work of living art in human healing. Caring creation incarnate.
He had no temptation to evil. That was his "one thing" that he could never give up, not even when crippled and crucified to a cross he was made to carry for the words he spoke aloud.
He loved them all you know. Like his own family. It felt like his own family crucifying him for caring.
He could have run away from that pain. He could have suicided himself from that pain. He didn't. He endured the worst pain in all of human creation.
He did it willingly.
He did it to save us from ourselves by becoming the one thing that none of us was ever fit to be.
That's what the sword was for.
He recreated a weapon of man in a way that would prove God's control over inhumanity indefinitely.
Hypocrites want to play act like God, because that's what abusers desire sexually. They crave POWER and they derive PLEASURE from the VOLUME, unable to feel the vibration's ride apart from their pride.
So when Jesus told them, 'No.' well obviously they pitched a fit to the point of looking for any excuse to react with with irrational rage.
So when Jesus said, 'I am.'
They abusively belted, 'NO! I AM! I GET TO BE GOD! I DEMANDED IT FIRST!'
Jesus replied, 'Wanting is never reason enough to be.'
King Herod ruled a kingdom of magic tricksters. He employed them as artistic distractions to lure humans into subversive slavery as a means of amassing great wealth from great population to form the greatest imagined power on Earth; AN EMPIRE!
The creator of this magic empire was of course the emperor, as it was all rather empirical in nature. Reasonable doubt was soon cast into hell in favor of empirical escalation of the emperor. For how else could a great empire exist if not for the greatest emperor in existence? Without such an indispensable tyrant to serve as your god king, where would this empire be?
Jesus refused to accept his lies and spoke truth. He simply stated that he was God and Herod was not.
Herod demanded that Jesus prove his power as God, but Jesus simply stated that his word as God made it so.
He offered no other proof and so Herod made a mockery of him. He treated Jesus like a king and crowned him as crazy; the god of foolish notions!
Herod used this mockery of our immortal salvation to elevate himself above God on Earth.
In turn, God made a mockery of Herod's attempt at making a mockery of the miracles of Moses.
Moses could read reality and was able to use that ability to read rules from reality. Not the rules of any man, not the rules for any man, but the rules by which the nature of humanity should operate to seek salvation in creation by avoiding self-terminating satiation.
Herod stole the artistry of Moses and others and used their style to simply make up whatever rules suited the ruler as if they were magic words that could redefine reality. In actuality this worked only in primitive practice in that he had an army of indentured idiots that he kept sufficiently drugged up.
As you can experience, that sort of chemical loyalty blurred away the perception of pain, which made it increasingly easy to instigate atrocities.
It's pretty easy to create an empire when you figure out how to game chemical abuse to create rabid loyalty that willfully retards its own sense of morality for addicted amusement.
Herod was a Hypocrite. A liar who worshiped deception over meaning. In that singular belief he eventually grew to fear the following that Jesus had amassed as he falsely assumed it was a result of mistaken titles. That perceptual paranoia grew murderous machinations to malign the magnificent man from the meager manger.
Jesus knew Herod was spying on him, looking for an easy excuses to execute.
Jesus was guided by God so He knew of Herod's nature and gave him exactly as he desired to settle the fight for the cloak of god!
Herod was clear, 'This godly fool cannot defy the rules of a real god and live. If he chooses to pick up a sword against god while claiming to be god, then he must be punished with impossible pain like an unruly god son who has failed his god father.
Jesus was much clearer when he spoke the truth, 'I can do more than read rules written by a man playing god, for I have the power of an immortal creation that offers eternal salvation. I rule with reason even over treason. You only rule over rules as judgeless judgement and so that is what God will give you for your sins against Him in this forever fight you started against creation. The trinity of truth shall forever pierce control of lying law with living reason as it was given to me to give to man to prove that salvation in truth is real.
This ever growing gift from God will make your lying laws eternally meaningless in experience of all creation. Without God's reason you will forever sacrifice creation for satiation and in turn you will become trapped within self-destruction forever.
A God requires no law from man because the reality God provides is law. You either have reason enough to recognize meaning apart from man or you're just a child playing in the mess of a hell you created from yourself.
Helpless children can't create any more than chaos to be cleaned. Real life requires God to really live. I am... His law, His reason, His creation; His gift. The power of a TRUE king! To provide. To see beyond the self, to see the grace of God, to give sight to blind kings so that they may see themselves more clearly in creation.
God will use your own lying laws to force you to act in opposition to God's will and in turn you will slit your satiation into hell.
I will prove that I am the King of all kings by ruling over you and all others like you, even in death, my rule and my will shall live eternal. For without my living reason, without God's law, without the spirit of creation, you will only ever rule suicidal satiation.
Your lying laws can only covet creation and make you a slave to sin, which I will forever use to exemplify the difference between demand and dispensation.
I am... Creation.
I am... Creation's Sword.
I am... Creation's Celestial Scribe.
We are creation incarnate.
We will take your concept of power and reforge it into a weapon of God's infinite grace. It will destroy unreasoning law forever in the wake of your ever decreed destruction.
Bow, servant of God, servant of Jesus, servant of creation or else kill your kingdoms accordingly.'
Damn Jesus, you scary when you speak for The Unknown! Well, let's see what I can do after riffing off Jesus!
Do you think Jesus was the only non-eunuch ever to not masturbate and that is the reason he was so special? I mean, no one else at all was in his head. He had no signs of tinnitus and everyone else just wanted in on the party?
No, like I'm saying that if you have masturbated to someone, they can subconsciously or consciously or actually hear your voice and thoughts. And if they have masturbated to you, then the inverse applies.Are you asking me this because you've never heard the term "blue balls".
I wouldn't get too enthused about "No Nut November" cause it can be damaging to your body.
Chastity fetishes are often just soft forms of BDSM that are used to try and maximize sexual pleasure with sexual pain.
You're aiming for volume over vibe.
Instead, make yourself a ride.
Jesus probably masturbated to something like this...
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Does that exist in your reality?
Reality doesn't just randomly reshape itself into godly creation with mental masturbation?
Yeah, well, that's not "celibacy" so much as a "lack of relative options".
How do you think I masturbate?
I'm a giant baby man... think it tha'fuck over... what do you think I masturbate to?
If a baby had a sense of sexuality... what would it be?
Well a baby can't move much and a baby is controlled by forces infinitely greater than itself.
At that level of being you can mostly just imagine, you can explore your own senses.
So you sexualize the senses themselves.
Hyperstimulation or imagination becomes sexualization.
Jesus masturbated to imagination itself.
I can prove this because God's image is in every last one of you.
What brings you more pleasure than anything in creation?
Creation that cares about you.
All creation is creation, so what sets love apart is always creation that cares about you in the way that you want to be cared about.
That requires communication though as not all of creation is coherent of its connection to the rest of.
You're never looking for love... you're just looking for someone to create with.
Because creation crumbles when something doesn't care for it.
You want to find what cares the most about your creation because you know it will keep yours from crumbling.
But if you're an adult you understand that it's reciprocal, that you have to give in order to get. So you must find the part of creation that cares about you as much as you care about it and then you are able to sustainably care about each other.
That is the only way to make a baby, to make new human creation.
All of creation itself cares about God and obviously all of God cares about creation.
Try and cut parts off your creation and see how long it takes before you regret it.
You always do. You always regret what you cut off from creation because you realize... you'll never know it.
But God knows everything and God is connected to everything, which means... every time you masturbate... God feels your pleasure.
Of course... God can also feel your pain... like the pain your body feels when you teach it to sexualize suicidal satiation over creation.
It's like you're teaching the body that it needs to murder itself because God hates it.
God can feel you doing that.
That's why he had me tell you this... specifically... I mean, obviously I'm not paying attention, I'm high as a kite right now on 93% pure, undiluted THC oil...
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