The Endless continues...
Matthew Moulton on Gab: '*behests the burning bushels of bud for bountiful…'
Matthew Moulton on Gab: '*behests the burning bushels of bud for bountiful brilliance* Look I have made a giant pile of amazing garbage! :D This is what I'm digging in the sand for, this is my ultimate video game sand castle simulator. Design Notes DN
The hardest part is the "inner spatial cubes", or "storage cubes" that are "bigger on the inside".
I'm doing everything in Base 10 though so it shouldn't be too hard to make.
Unlike existing voxel systems this is a stacked or nesting voxel system with different layers of physics depending on cube size.
You need more than cubes though. The game has material harvesting because if you want WHEELS, well you can make a cube rotor and a cube shaft, but to make a wheel you need to make a machine that makes wheels from harvest materials (plants, minerals, etc).
You also need energy cubes to fuel it and the energy cubes are essentially currency, so it's similar to the refractors in Megaman Legends.
Money is ~literal~ power.
The processor cubes and some cubes will have additional functionality.
Like when you build a replicator machine, it has processor cubes in it, but the processors won't be able to do anything without memory cubes that act like internal recipes.
Meaning you could have a memory cube with a "recipe" to make a wheel and that recipe requires a certain number of processor cubes or certain component pieces, in addition to specific energy requirements and material requirements.
The memory cubes will be upgradable too, which will reduce energy and material requirements.
The memory cubes are upgraded through use. They act like play pretend AI in that, the more you use them, the better they get as a result of learning.
Also I'm thinking... Deformity K>ubes!
Cubes are cubes, but even teeny tiny, they ~look~ like cubes.
So I'm thinking about adding circuit cubes that can alter various aspects of how the cubes look.
Like a Doctor Who style Chameleon Circuit could give your ship, mech, sword, whatever, the ability to cloak!
Concealment Circuits is probably a better name. Or CCs.
More advanced CCs could be use to make rounded edges. Or at least the visual appearance of them; tiny/selective cloaking.
This would make them easily paintable too.
So instead of painting your ship you have paint circuits that control the colors and then you can make custom memory chips for hot swapping colors and styles.
Also, the "mech size" cube is a bit of a misnomer.
By comparison to a player character a mech cube is like 100 centimeters or about 3 feet cubed.
That's not a very big mech.
Because the mech blocks are BUILDING blocks, meaning there are "connection blocks" that make the blocks magnetically lock together.
So that part is less "blueprint" building and more like "Lego building".
But you can still create "mech prints" for "mech blocks" but they aren't inherently restrained to a 10x10x10 environment.
Same thing with the in-game games.
Like you could take any pixel video game and recreate the game within this game sandbox. So it will also have a sort of "flat print" maker, where you can make screen animations.
So the TVs you can make in the game use inner spatial memory cubes to create pixel content.
Pixels within voxels within vector.
I love having all of God's imagination in my head.