Site Issues

So you used those edits of aediot in unflattering pictures and it made him quit.
lol those are great. his wiki article got totally reverted.

Yeah, it had his phone number on it which I needed. Sent him an email hopefully he answers. Might want to comeback since the faggots who he had beef with are gone.
This whole site is an issue, can't wait for another fuck up to take it offline for good
So I don't know if anyone has posted this...but,

It seems like somebody is making a separate AE and I think aeidiot is behind this

Also we may need a new twitter for AE.

Also Also, this came out.

AEdiot is still trying to post his wiki with his darknet friends. We anticipated this.

We will scrap it, however he only has 50% of the articles uploaded so I would wait.

We do need social media.
Fat Jew Retard is still trying to post his wiki with his darknet friends. We anticipated this.

We will scrap it, however he only has 50% of the articles uploaded so I would wait.

We do need social media.
Don't forget to make a page for the year 2020 and fix the graphics for the main page.
minor point for GR: if posting consecutive images (vert or horiz) it can be good to leave a space (hor) or blank line (horiz) so there's more distinction of separation for clicking thumbnails to expand for non-logged browsers.

Not as important when I logged in since it auto-expanded the thumbs.

our admin trying to sell the site to someone from the dark web and not tell anyone about it
It seems like they technically told at least ONE person about it, whoever they were PMing here

and his only worry is getting back donations for a bull shit fraudulent lawsuit
Isn't it more like if you transfer rights then you're no longer liable for future content the site produces?
IE you're hoping they instead sue the new owner and forget the old one?

also trying to get wil involved in a identity theft and credit card fraud scheme/ his bitcoing mining op/ the pedo accusations/ hustlers bible deserves its own thread honestly
Deserves FOUR threads, this sounds confusing as fuck

I wonder what kinda person that "Alice" guy is.

Is he also a pedophile?
not a guarantee but that's certainly a popular name among some of those so inclined as to identify that way ("Visions of Alice", etc)
minor point for GR: if posting consecutive images (vert or horiz) it can be good to leave a space (hor) or blank line (horiz) so there's more distinction of separation for clicking thumbnails to expand for non-logged browsers.

Not as important when I logged in since it auto-expanded the thumbs.

It seems like they technically told at least ONE person about it, whoever they were PMing here

Isn't it more like if you transfer rights then you're no longer liable for future content the site produces?
IE you're hoping they instead sue the new owner and forget the old one?

Deserves FOUR threads, this sounds confusing as fuck

not a guarantee but that's certainly a popular name among some of those so inclined as to identify that way ("Visions of Alice", etc)
Aediot - Encyclopedia Dramatica

also just google the last site he owned onionland, the first article the author describes it as a den of child porn
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