So, you are good at puzzles, ayy?


Solve for X

Flow free 2.0.png

Don't worry, I went back and solved it perfectly, I am autistic after all.
Flow free 2.0 solved.png
These guys are going to get me really good at Rainbow 6 if they keep wall hacking me while they are playing me. I just need to learn how to aim.
My bro can't hang with these fortnite players. He's tapping out. He doesn't realize the way to beat these people is to outsmart them because they are just go go go!

When someone has the hole in mind and only has one goal, the trick is to outsmart them and meet them at the hole from a different angle.

This is something that can't be taught. Patience isn't going to work against these maniacs. I have to get myself out of copper hell alone and somehow get back to playing a real strategic game instead of playing kids and teenagers who don't have lead thumbs from being mad at Mario bros on Nintendo after 5 hours of work.
LOL I pissed offed some little kid a couple of days ago and this is my lent punishment! LOL LOL LOL
They are not going easy on me. But this is to my advantage because they will show me all their secrets.
Let it be known. Kids are insanely good at this game. No fair. I trained on lesser technology growing up. Holy crap. I am getting my ass whooped.
11:11PM match - hopefully the kids have gone to bed. Probably not though. OMG I'm poned.

Edit - being moderately to severely high doesn't help either I bet.
You want a joke?

Here's a fucking joke that is absolutely 100% real:

I am fucking gumby right now!

No, I am not literally having sex with gumby the green guy.

I have no pain and am as flexible as I've been since I was a child.
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