South Africa


We are seeing a country literally collapse in real time

All the supermarkets have been looted

The government distribution centres got burned down

There are no supplies coming

Its incredible how silent the mainstream media are considering the scale of what has just happened


africa moment, also fuck the media


+size butt model
EDF2 Survivor
Just heard a voicemail from a german guy living in a white gated community near Capetown.

- he maintains that this has nothing to do with Zuma, but is a coordinated attack on the remaining white people in SA
- the malls and supermarkets that were destroyed are only frequented by whites, niggers don´t shop there.
- they will start burning the surrounding farms soon
- yesterday, police ran out of ammo, they supplied them from their stocks.
- last night, their compound was zerg rushed by niggers, most of the (black) security guards killed.
- since then, they are attacked every 2 or 3 hours. All balconys and roofs are manned, ammo is still plenty.
- morale is still good.

Call Me Tim

There has been reports of gangs of black men showing up at farms, telling the residents (white) that they are from a government agency, just at the time of harvest and demanding the farmers to turn over their "stolen land." The farmers don't leave because it's an obvious scam but when they try to get the government to remove these, basically thieves, the government slow walks if and any help.

The only reason SA exists is because of the DeBeers mine. If the black SA took it over they would dump so many diamonds onto the market the market would crash. Remember Blood Diamonds? That cause. OH the poor people forced to mine diamonds and are killed by warlords if they don't. LOL no. The whole reason why that was stopped was because the diamond market was in a free fall. Diamonds at the time were pretty close to worthless.


EDF2 Survivor
We are seeing a country literally collapse in real time

All the supermarkets have been looted

The government distribution centres got burned down

There are no supplies coming

Its incredible how silent the mainstream media are considering the scale of what has just happened
The mainstream media are complicit in white genocide. Blacks always the victims, whites always bad.


EDF2 Survivor
I believe even some black people in South Africa realize this is bad for their country and they want the chimp out to stop. However there are probaly going to be millions of africans coming to Europe and the States now that South Africa is turning into Zimbabwe.
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