Spooky Experiences?

This one is more recent: When I was working at my old job in a Mexican restaurant, one of my managers bought a house for his baby mama. He thought that it was a crazy good deal for the area. He assumed that the low price was because needed a lot of work done to it, which it did; several rooms needed to be painted, glass windows had to be refitted, etc. So when he's got time off he goes and works on the house making improvements here and there. He always brings a portable radio just to make it less boring.

As he's painting one of the rooms, he hears what he thinks is people having a muted conversation in the next room over. Naturally he assumed the radio was to blame, but as it continued and he lowered the volume a bit, the voices continued at the same volume. Guy's pretty levelheaded, so he goes to investigate. As soon as he steps out into the hallway, it stops. He goes into the room where he thought it had originated, but there wasn't anything unusual. He checks the windows thinking it might be people outside, but the house is pretty isolated from it's neighbors and its close to 11pm. He thinks it might be his imagination of course, so he takes a break, takes a shit yada yada.

Refreshed, he goes back to work painting the room, when the voices resumed. He gets freaked out and leaves for the night. He comes back and tries to ignore it; he turns up the volume, which does block out the weird noises sure, but he still keeps thinking about it. He stopped working late into the night, leaving by 6pm at the latest. Eventually, word got around in the restaurant, and one of the waitresses, who was a Catholic, suggests he should get the house blessed.

Not much else to tell, apparently (and according to him) the voices stopped and I think they still live in it. The house was dirt cheap, because there had been a murder in it. Heh, typical.
motherfuckingfucker needs a Limpia on that house fosho. Burn some sage n crack an egg
This happened not long ago when I was in college. Me and a couple of other sorority girls decided to meet up with some friends at a lakeside campsite. That campsite was somewhat notorious because about 10 years previous a row boat close to shore had capsized and 4 people drowned. None of them could swim. None of them were wearing flotation devices. And all of them were negroes.

On this particular evening, we arrived at the campsite and went to store our stuff in the tent area which was away from the campfire and shrouded in darkness due to thick cloud cover. We had to use flashlights just to see where we were walking. As we neared the tents, we could hear a rustling sound. And then the whispering began.

Needless to say, we were a bit freaked out. The whispering didn’t sound like a language we were familiar with and then we heard someone or something laughing. We were standing in front of our tent and the sound was coming from the treeline about 25 metres away. We scanned the area with our flashlights but didn’t see anything unusual.

Then, the clouds suddenly parted and we were bathed in moonlight. The mysterious whispering seemed to increase. We freaked and turned to run back to where everyone was at the campfire. And that’s when we saw them: they emerged from the inky darkness of the treeline.

At first, all we could make out were white eyes and teeth. I could feel my skin crawl. Were these the apparitions I had heard stories about but never believed? Were they going to grab and take us down to the murky depths of the lake? We were frozen with fear.

But then these things stepped into the moonlight and we could see what they were and it was worse than we could have imagined! They were 3 of your typical feral negro urban ‘yoofs’ that some misguided limpwristed liberal charity thought would benefit from “being in nature”. Their campsite was next to ours.

Their names were something like DeVinyl, D’Brickashaw, and LaCroshinious. And on their return to nature they were spending their time spying on ‘dem whyte wimminz. Their hard-to-understand language was modern urban ebonics and the hooting and hollering they’re so fond of commenced with vigour once we made eye contact with them.

So we fled. We ran back to the campsite and told everyone about our encounter. The guys got up and sprinted to the tents worried about everyone’s stuff because.....negroes. The negroes were gone, but 2 guys remained with the tents all night because......negroes.

The next day, we saw a groidle of negroes playing in the shallow water - going no further than knee deep in the lake - and we suggested that they take a row boat out on the water. No, you don’t need to know how to row. Yes, it’s very safe. No, it doesn’t matter if you can’t swim. And Yes, there is free grape drank, free weed, and free KFC that someone stored in a cooler right in the middle of the lake - it’s difficult to see until you get there.
I don't know the full details for this one, since I was a kid at the time and I heard the story third-hand.

It was rumored that somewhere deep in the mountains there was a place called the 'House of Laughter'. Basically an abandoned villa being taken over by the jungle. Now I'm not sure how often or when exactly this happened but it was said that if you approached the place you would start to hear laughter. Not just light chuckles mind you. Full blown, belly bursting laughter, from multiple people, like a recorded stage audience for sitcoms. It would never stop.

They said that if you ventured inside, to try and find the source you would never be seen again.Probably bullshit, but that's how it goes with local folklore.
I don't know the full details for this one, since I was a kid at the time and I heard the story third-hand.

It was rumored that somewhere deep in the mountains there was a place called the 'House of Laughter'. Basically an abandoned villa being taken over by the jungle. Now I'm not sure how often or when exactly this happened but it was said that if you approached the place you would start to hear laughter. Not just light chuckles mind you. Full blown, belly bursting laughter, from multiple people, like a recorded stage audience for sitcoms. It would never stop.

They said that if you ventured inside, to try and find the source you would never be seen again.Probably bullshit, but that's how it goes with local folklore.
i heard lots of stories like that growing up in the countryside, they're mostly bullshit like someone's grandpa coming back home and seeing the devil and devil attacking him, which totally wasn't grandpa getting drunk and coming up with a retarded story to cover up why he's home late and covered with bruises. other stories are just boring and similar to the one you told earlier: youg couple moves to an old house, sees some weird shit, discover that something is not right about the house (most popular story in my city mentions house built on an old graveyard.),then parson blesses the house and everything comes back to normal.

there's one story that stands out from the others tho. for a little cultural background you need to know that us catholics love our little wayside shrines, we put them all over the countryside for many different reasons: be it roadside crosses marking places of horrible accidents, shrines placed for protection in areas that were considered to be cursed, bigger shrines historically used as places of gathering and prayer for people unable to attend service, shrines built as a thank you etc. there are also shrines built out of remorse and guilt, and the story is about one of them.
during world war I, so called great war, my region was part of the mighty Austro-Hungary, fortunately my city saw very little action during that conflict although some local folks were recruited into kaiser's army and military transports were a common sight. one of those transports was a single Austrian officer, dunno if he was a local or a poor soul from another part of Habsburg Empire, the only thing about him we know for sure is that he carried payment for the troops stationed nearby. local farmer who's name remains unknown decided to murder the officer and take money for himself, he buried him in the forest, near the road where he killed him. used the money to get rich and years later out of remorse built a wayside shrine so that soul of the officer can rest at peace, some people say at night you can still see the ghost of unfortunate soldier haunting place of his death

the best part is the story's real, the shrine is still hanging from a very old tree and it looks like it was made before second world war and most local historians agree someone murdered an austro hungarian officer around my city. as for paranormal part of the story i've never seen the ghost myself by maybe someday when i wander through that forest road at night i will
i heard lots of stories like that growing up in the countryside, they're mostly bullshit like someone's grandpa coming back home and seeing the devil and devil attacking him, which totally wasn't grandpa getting drunk and coming up with a retarded story to cover up why he's home late and covered with bruises. other stories are just boring and similar to the one you told earlier: youg couple moves to an old house, sees some weird shit, discover that something is not right about the house (most popular story in my city mentions house built on an old graveyard.),then parson blesses the house and everything comes back to normal.

there's one story that stands out from the others tho. for a little cultural background you need to know that us catholics love our little wayside shrines, we put them all over the countryside for many different reasons: be it roadside crosses marking places of horrible accidents, shrines placed for protection in areas that were considered to be cursed, bigger shrines historically used as places of gathering and prayer for people unable to attend service, shrines built as a thank you etc. there are also shrines built out of remorse and guilt, and the story is about one of them.
during world war I, so called great war, my region was part of the mighty Austro-Hungary, fortunately my city saw very little action during that conflict although some local folks were recruited into kaiser's army and military transports were a common sight. one of those transports was a single Austrian officer, dunno if he was a local or a poor soul from another part of Habsburg Empire, the only thing about him we know for sure is that he carried payment for the troops stationed nearby. local farmer who's name remains unknown decided to murder the officer and take money for himself, he buried him in the forest, near the road where he killed him. used the money to get rich and years later out of remorse built a wayside shrine so that soul of the officer can rest at peace, some people say at night you can still see the ghost of unfortunate soldier haunting place of his death

the best part is the story's real, the shrine is still hanging from a very old tree and it looks like it was made before second world war and most local historians agree someone murdered an austro hungarian officer around my city. as for paranormal part of the story i've never seen the ghost myself by maybe someday when i wander through that forest road at night i will

Ah. That's why in the mountains, a lot of the sharp turns have little alcoves with statues of the Virgin Mary with candles.
I just remembered this the other day. I can't believe I forgot, since it was so odd. I brushed it off as some odd electrical phenomena, but there were some peculiarities that I think bear mentioning.

When I was bothering with college, I met this chick who had dreams of running for president. Anyhow, since I don't have a car to save some money, she drives me around, to go see places. She's friends with the curator of a local house-turned-museum. She shows me a picture of a figure of what appeared to be a woman sitting on the front steps of the house, saying that no one had been there when the picture had been taken. Ok. Sure.

The real thing was when we went inside to an upstairs room. It was claimed that the room was haunted by a man who liked touching the hair young women. Lo and behold, right before my eyes her hair rose up in the air, but only a strand, and it only happened to her. Curious, I stuck my hand into where I thought the "ghost" was, and almost immediately I felt my hand get shocked/cold. The curator and my friend made me apologize to the ghost, and that was that.

I wonder what it was? I WANT to see a ghost, but I won't believe something like this completely. It could have been some sort of parlor trick. Thoughts?
I'm mainly looking to hear about ghosts, but if you want to post about the time your uncle got abducted by aliens for a weekend in Uranus, then go ahead. As for me, I've yet to experience anything too weird yet. The reason I started this thread, was something uncanny that I thought I saw on my way from work last night.

My ride was driving me home. We were going about 25, passing a lot of houses in the neighborhood. I'm sticking my head out the window to get cool, when I see a figure covered in a greenish, quilted blanket standing before the front door of a house. The sheet was completely covering the figure. Kind of like an oldschool ghost costume. I thought it was inanimate, but I saw the bulge of an arm moving around. Probably a logical explanation for this, but it was definitely odd. That was basically it.

Can you guys share some stories?
I saw somebody fucking a dead body
I just remembered this the other day. I can't believe I forgot, since it was so odd. I brushed it off as some odd electrical phenomena, but there were some peculiarities that I think bear mentioning.

When I was bothering with college, I met this chick who had dreams of running for president. Anyhow, since I don't have a car to save some money, she drives me around, to go see places. She's friends with the curator of a local house-turned-museum. She shows me a picture of a figure of what appeared to be a woman sitting on the front steps of the house, saying that no one had been there when the picture had been taken. Ok. Sure.

The real thing was when we went inside to an upstairs room. It was claimed that the room was haunted by a man who liked touching the hair young women. Lo and behold, right before my eyes her hair rose up in the air, but only a strand, and it only happened to her. Curious, I stuck my hand into where I thought the "ghost" was, and almost immediately I felt my hand get shocked/cold. The curator and my friend made me apologize to the ghost, and that was that.

I wonder what it was? I WANT to see a ghost, but I won't believe something like this completely. It could have been some sort of parlor trick. Thoughts?
It was a bizarre dream.
I thought I was Cop looking at a crime scene. Looking at the Torture Room that the Snuff Flimers used, I found the bloody key for said Torture Room. So I went and found The Second Snuff Filmer fucking The Victim's dead body, I shoot him without hesitation and almost got trapped while doing so, I saw many dead bodies all Brutaley mutilated. It looked like the Pain Series page on ED but even worse, I Ran in an instead and also took pictures with it too, And Showing the dead bodies to the other cops.

Thankfully, My Alarm saved me from The Bizarre Dream
It was a bizarre dream.
I thought I was Cop looking at a crime scene. Looking at the Torture Room that the Snuff Flimers used, I found the bloody key for said Torture Room. So I went and found The Second Snuff Filmer fucking The Victim's dead body, I shoot him without hesitation and almost got trapped while doing so, I saw many dead bodies all Brutaley mutilated. It looked like the Pain Series page on ED but even worse, I Ran in an instead and also took pictures with it too, And Showing the dead bodies to the other cops.

Thankfully, My Alarm saved me from The Bizarre Dream
Are you sure you’re not remembering your vacation to Mexihell? They love torture and beheadings.
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