you've also raped your cousin
Nigger, wtf, if anything that nigger raped me. It's like saying when pedo took advantage of me and gave me some drugs and then used me and fucking people think I am the rapist. Sir fuck off and learn to read.
In all situations, you refer I was under 13 and in some ways just as little as 9, so fuck off with your accusations, it's not how it works, not in my country at least, not in.
Judging that you did not even fucking understood the words I said, and telling "Yeah you also raped your cousin" while it was reverse, it's the worst accusation ever made.
I feel like you would rather protect real predators.
I did some research just rn, you fuck.
"Psychiatric diagnostic criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.
So if you trust doctors, I can't be a pedo, I have no affection towards them either, also why you never called my cousin a pedo then, he was like just a bit older than me, or why were you never interested in when I was raped or into how people groomed me, why are you fucking only accusing me.
Idk how it is in Brazil or wherever you sick fuck reside, but by all means no one in their right mind would call a kid a fucking pedo, it would be just retarded to think that way. Would you place a 13yo having sex with another 13.5yo in jail for being pedo? are you fucking shitting me?
And then even if you still convinced I am pedo, I am castrated, and isn't it's a way to fight with pedos? Why are you not happy then?! I did it to myself and I can't even have sex with anyone anymore. I don't even have sexual drive, nigger, what the fuck are you talking about.
People like you are the human waste of society, you are the reason why I don't want to have kids, as I don't want to bring them into this fucked up world. Thank you for giving me a reminder shithead.
I hope one day I would play with your fucking bones, cutting you limb by limb, organ by organ until I subtract you to nothing, that would be my dream. I wanna do it so fucking hard with you.
I did not steal them, retard, that's not how it works, if anything you and Mario also stole domains, so fuck off and watch after yourself.
I can't believe I had to even talk about it or even provide some basic explanation.