The Assassination of Derek Chauvin by the coward Fentanyl Floyd

I thought Addie was the one who wrote this not crack rabbit
@Chimplord1997 wrote a big chunk of it, I revised a lot of it and added a ton of pics. Another user who I can't remember added some stuff about his funeral. It sat stagnant on the wiki because the wiki was always down for multiple days at a time.
@Chimplord1997 wrote a big chunk of it, I revised a lot of it and added a ton of pics. Another user who I can't remember added some stuff about his funeral. It sat stagnant on the wiki because the wiki was always down for multiple days at a time.

Are you talking about the one before the restoration or after?
US legal system in a nutshell

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You are too mentally ill to realize nobody at all likes you and your only reason for continuing to exist here is to be used as a punching bag by the more sadistic members.
You're too up your own ass too realize that the only reason your here is because the oldfags remember you from the beginning of edf2, and only keep you around out of pity.
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