This Isn't A Red Pill, It's A Red Suppository

You could summarize. Not all of us have the luxury of time needed to digest such a large load.

You mean you don't have the cognitive capability to "speed read". Maybe you could try and see things from my perspective, like go watch the movie Idiocracy... because that's what it's like living in your world. It's like I'm trapped in a living hell where nearly every single person on earth is effectively retarded by comparison to my own intelligence.
You havent had a job in 10 years, when 50s are supposed the peak earning years of people who actually work.

Yeah, well, I suppose if I worked as slow and stupid as most people that would be true... but then again by age 30 I was already pretty well off. In fact, if it wasn't for picking the wrong crypto wallet service back when BitCoin first started... I'd have already made millions. Unfortunately I picked the one that got hacked/scammed whatever... MtGox or something I think it was called.
Are you fuckin stupid? I started working at like age 12 doing babysitting and a paper route, then at 14 I had my first "real job" at this greasy little roadside cafe, then the school started recognizing my genius and at that point they basically turned half my classes into "technical coordinator for the school district", which was basically just ANOTHER job... which also led to even MORE jobs because then I started doing contract work that the school would help setup, like when I networked the local Planned Parenthood. Then I got a THIRD (or was it a fourth) job working at a local video store, which was tons of fun.

Then after that I started working at Sykes, but then they started to get nutty and I had to quit (mostly because my voice was giving out at that point)... and by "quit" I mean I had to go fuckin OFFICE SPACE on them. You know that movie Office Space? Yeah, I did that FOR SIX FUCKIN MONTHS before they FINALLY fired me and even then only begrudgingly since they were still making more money than they were paying me... mostly because they had me on five accounts simultaneously, including these "third party software" and "third party hardware" accounts where it cost $50 just to ask me a question.

See, the thing is, the measure of my talent is so off the scale that I could help rando people and companies install anything into anything... regardless of who made it, whether I had ever even seen it before, or whether I was even familiar with the technology... I would make it work... I would do it in record time... I would do it blind (since it was over the phone)... and I would do it while playing Final Fantasy 9... yeah, that's right, I'd play fuckin VIDEO GAMES while automating all your squirrely shit blind from hundreds and even thousands of miles away. Mmmm, watched a LOT of movies too.

Let's see, then I was in college, and then the college um... what did they do. Oh, right, I was the uh... teacher's aid for the math and science department... which was a little weird because I graded all my own tests. That was the best though because the college gave me my own set of keys to the technology building and I even had my own little "broom closet" of an office so to speak where I could work on crazy stupid shit 24/7, which the college then used to get tons of grant money. At one point I even did contract work through the college for the White House, for their "conference on cooperative conservationism" or whatever it was called. I made them this fun little touch screen Flash program thing (keep in mind this was before touch screens were the norm), so it was all "oooh and aaah". Made them a ton of websites too, some of which are STILL being used despite the fact that I made them like... nearly two decades ago.

Then what... oh yeah I also started working at a local Dairy Queen. This might seem like an odd concept to you, but I actually find menial labor to be... relaxing. I mean, it's just so easy, you don't even need to think and it's like a super awesome exercise workout that you GET PAID to do! So I loved doing that... until the dick of an owner started exploiting the shit out of my good graces. I finally quit when it reached the point that I was working the entire grill area solo on a fuckin weekend IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER at gawd damn MINIMUM FUCKIN WAGE! Oh but, he kept PROMISING to give me a raise, he just need a ~little~ more time... and then month after month... excuse after excuse... so I finally quit.

Then I started working at Wal-Mart, which was AWESOME because they paid me a whole shit ton of money (like four or five times the regular minimum wage) and I did that for a year... until I destroyed my back doing it. Literally. I now have three or four PERMANENTLY ripped discs in my back and even the ones that aren't permanently ripped... yeah they're right on the verge. So now I can't do any more menial labor... which fuckin sucks because now I don't get paid to exercise... plus all the constant, horrible, unending pain.

Sooo... yeah, for the past ten years I've been trying to take it easy and just work on writing while doing rando odd jobs... and... holy shit, when I start publishing a lot of the writing I'm working on... it's gonna be like a nuclear fuckin text bomb just igniting off over the entire surface of the planet all at once.

As far my mom, we've often lived together (along with other family members) as a form of synergistic money saving. But I've lived on my own for several years and I even bought a house at one point and then my mom lived with me at that point and paid for like utilities as a form of "rent" while I paid for everything else. It was also nice because my parents got a divorce when I was a kid and my shithead abusive father got sole custody, so basically I spent most of my childhood without my mom around... so it's real nice that I get to spend time with her now. Oh and my grandma too when she was still alive. At one point all three of us were living together in this three bedroom apartment and saved up SOOO much money, so then we went on all these vacations all over... it was really great.

You can do the same thing tho, like even if you don't have family, you can just find roommates who are like-minded and then you can all benefit from each others contributions. It's like the only form of communism that actually works at all... the NON-government kind!
You mean you don't have the cognitive capability to "speed read". Maybe you could try and see things from my perspective, like go watch the movie Idiocracy... because that's what it's like living in your world. It's like I'm trapped in a living hell where nearly every single person on earth is effectively retarded by comparison to my own intelligence.

I know you believe you stand apart from other humans, but now it is clear to me you take pride in this distinction. No one is better off or worse. In the end we're all worm food. But you do you. I'm not in a position to tell you how to live your life.
I know you believe you stand apart from other humans, but now it is clear to me you take pride in this distinction. No one is better off or worse. In the end we're all worm food. But you do you. I'm not in a position to tell you how to live your life.

My life is perfect compared to like... 90% of the people on the planet. I'm really not sure why people have such an estranged fixation with it though... I guess because I do stuff slightly different than most people they think it's "wrong" or "not as good" simply because it's not the default brand they've been indoctrinated with since childhood.

Take today for instance... slept for four hours, played some vidya, wrapped mother's day gifts, moved some furniture around and packed boxes (gonna be putting in new flooring), shitposted a bit online while listening to music and catching up with YouTube videos/commentators. Sorted some files, then I fixed the pommel thing on my sword. Bought some crypto. Then slept for two more hours, did a bit more shitposting and got slightly high, then I went outside and spend the last couple hours barbecuing... everything, and then I just sat out in the sun with the cat, enjoyin nature.

See my life... it's just... relaxing and enjoyment... so like I said, not sure what all you "9 to 5ers" are so concerned about... but I'm guessing it's a jealousy thing. *shrugs*


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