I play a little game where I imaging whatever oddguy says to be the opposite. So far in my imagination, he has been right all the time.

You have that in the real world...

...his name is likeicare, and he doesn't suck dick for a crazy closet liberal mexican.


EDF2 Survivor
Aediots ED Wiki.png

This has to be the most pathetic thing anyone has ever written on a wiki page.

just pointing out we're back on the front page of google.

He'll yea we are.
Cause yellow ed's the real ED.
I must confess something. I've been lurking around the .wiki domain site until yesterday, when I found the "Dramatica Online" page on the .wiki site, which is how I learned about the .online domain. If they hadn't put up the page in the first place, I would have never known about any of this! Say what you want about me, but it's ironic that the existence of that very page is what brought me here.
I must confess something. I've been lurking around the .wiki domain site until yesterday, when I found the "Dramatica Online" page on the .wiki site, which is how I learned about the .online domain. If they hadn't put up the page in the first place, I would have never known about any of this! Say what you want about me, but it's ironic that the existence of that very page is what brought me here.
it's okay pal. welcome to the ED that isn't fucking broken.
When I stumbled upon the page on Aediot, I learned that I made the right choice in leaving that godawful site! All that stuff that Aediot said about wanting to improve ED was nothing but a sham! It's a shame that there are some people who will probably never know the truth, as long as the .wiki site is up. Oh God, I'm getting flashbacks to OhInternet and I'd rather NOT think of that!
I saved this for a "historical" purpose.

View attachment 8320

(Imgur link, press download to get the full picture)

Let it be known that their attempt at defaming the .online site is fucking pathetic. Simply from looking at the page, you can tell that something is suspicious:

-"Such accusations are untrue."

-"Real ED is safe, pure and family-friendly."

-"Besides screeching nonstop about how their 'version' is better, they claim that people just "don't know about them yet". Something that's hard for them to understand is that people know and just don't give a shit."

-"Because of the rampant illnesses that feast on these poopyheads, it's best to ignore them."

Now, I've been lurking through ED for years and I've seen some weird stuff, but I don't remember the site claiming it was "family-friendly". Even if it did, it's clear that they're desperate.

But, they're currently fucking themselves, because the "Dramatica Online" page currently has a link to this page: https://encyclopediadramatica.wiki/index.php/EncyclopediaDramatica.Online

And that page has a link to the .online forums, which makes it hard to ignore, thus revealing their incompetence. Fucking retards.
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