United Healthcare CEO got Yeeted

Saying someone who intentionally left hundreds of thousands of people in a constant state of torture and suffering to save money for their big conglomerate company deserved to be killed shouldn't be a controversial statement.
Reading his manifesto, his motherfucking was going through extreme chronic pain that left her screaming constantly from how horrid it was, but Jew Healthcare decided to constantly switch things around, deny treatment for her fully knowing the suffering she went through.

Now imagine hundreds of thousands of people in america suffering from the same constant brutal pain. Imagine that you yourself couldn't get sleep for days because of it and your health insurance company decided it "wasn't needed" to get surgery.

Imagine raising a child for years, making great memories with them, doing everything neccessary to make sure pedos or robbers don't get them, and then they die in front of you because the company wanted to save money.
Saying someone who intentionally left hundreds of thousands of people in a constant state of torture and suffering to save money for their big conglomerate company deserved to be killed shouldn't be a controversial statement.
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