Yeah heaven forbid Americans getting pissed that some drug addicted manlet dick flapping jew with a penchant for things he cant possibly afford, and embezzlement, -- demands and gets several more billion dollars for a war effort where everyone knows only a small fraction of the aid/money/equipment reaches the front.
Members of 82nd and other military units are being refused leave to go and help their families and townships affected by the hurricane. They however are on active 72 hour notice. (They have to be ready to leave for Israel in 72 hours. - 82nd and other quick deployment units are supposed to be in a foreign theater in 72 hours)

So can't help family, but you can die for the fucking jews. Time to kick out all the jews.
Members of 82nd and other military units are being refused leave to go and help their families and townships affected by the hurricane. They however are on active 72 hour notice. (They have to be ready to leave for Israel in 72 hours. - 82nd and other quick deployment units are supposed to be in a foreign theater in 72 hours)

So can't help family, but you can die for the fucking jews. Time to kick out all the jews.
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