You confuse education/training with IQ.
No the first is not a substitute for the later or will it ever increase the latter by any real amount. Perhaps 10 points but the IQ point scale is based on a median score of your AGE GROUP. So if you are 40 and you are testing, chances are you are testing against a age bracket that is more educated. then your IQ "drops" in comparison to the median score. Chances are you're not really going to understand vectors when the most you took is HS Algebra II and then went to work in your dad's HVAC business.
The bulk of higher education is absolutely worthless. Sociology? LOL Psychology? It has some uses but If you need to go to school to learn how to make people irritated/angry/happy then you have bigger problems and most psyche majors do. Philosophy? Humanities? ______ Studies? The list is nearly endless and there are more majors popping up every year. Higher education in the US is a scam perpetuated by the universities and the gubbermint. The gubbermint trains young people to take out loans which HAVE to be paid back no matter what, you can't default on them, and when the gubbermint announces the limit to the loans the universities raise tuitions to just above that loan amount. The students complain, the gubberment raises the loan amounts and the whole process starts over. And to get more of that easy US gubbermint funded loan money, universities have figured out that they can make up majors which are utterly useless in the real world, Political Science, for example, and charge 20K for a piece of paper that isn't worth the parchment it's printed on.