
I am literally the one who requested this shit you numpty.

The state of Washington claims I owe them like $40k... not because I do, but because the state of Washington committed fraud.

How bad is the fraud? So bad that their system rejected an invoice from Walla Walla county for contract work.

I mean, I could understand if I had just been making up some random shit about doing contract work, but... like I said, the invoice I gave them... it was from them, from the fuckin government!

The government rejected itself!

It gets even funnier because I tried to "appeal" their rejection and... it rejected my appeal without an appeal!


I submitted the form at like 3AM and within 20 minutes it came back DENIED meaning, no human ever even LOOKED at the claim!

They just had automated software running and... from what I can tell, at least in relation to me, that software was acting like ChatGPT...

Basically just making shit up as it went along.

It's related to this issue...

So no, Chris, I absolutely want them to investigate this shit, cause that's likely the only way I can get rid of the $40k imaginary debt.

Or I can just ignore it and not bother playing your game.

I actually like that idea better because I can keep working like Jesus, in absence of currency and the more I work and the more I put into making stuff, the more everyone is going to do this...

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And the more I'm going to tell them EXACTLY why!

How fucked do you think your criminal shit is gonna be when you have the best artisan in existence refusing to use the currency because you made it cancerous...

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Even better, what do you think would happen if they tried to confiscate or steal my work?

You've already seen that at a small scale...

It will exponentially spread and pretty soon... your money, all of it, every last bit of currency you can conceive of... I will control ALL of it, at a default.

So I really don't care, either way I win.

Any way you can ever imagine...

I win. I am... His words... because I'm the only one of you that can read reality.

Go head... DENY creation capable of creating past creation!

I can't WAIT to see how THAT works out for you indolent idiots!

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Any way you want to roll reality, it's mine.

Even if you destroyed everything I own at present... I could still put copies of The Never on flash drives and sell them on street corners carrying a giant sign saying "The Never Is Here"

You know, kind of a play on the whole "The End Is Here" but I'd sell little micro-books with little micro-cover art.

You can't ever hurt creation, Chris.

That was your FIRST mistake in it... believing you actually could.


The Democrats are the ones who introduced LUNCHABLES into our schools... which turned out to be laced with LEAD!

The Democrats are also the ones who push the notion of "healthy at every size", so I'm not sure what this tard is on about.

My guess is he's paraphrasing a RINO like Pitch Mitch or he's taking something wildly out of context... probably both considering he doesn't provide any context or quotes for his claim.

Leftists always lie.

They can't bring any receipts.
VDH lays it out: The lazy and entitled Leftist political class in Europe and especially Germany are headed for difficult times because the European people are certainly going to start putting into power populist leaders.

He points out something else: the whinging, crying and angry dismissal of JD Vance’s excellent speech in Munich by European losers is a bit rich when you realize that JD was entirely correct AND the US has been providing Europe with a nuclear shield for many decades. The Leftists in Europe are utterly retarded. For instance, no one forced the stupid Krauts to give up on oil, gas, and nuclear.

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