Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
More like direct links to Mossad.I hope everyone realises trump probably fucked kids and theyre trying to hide it
Trump went to Pedo Island twice. That smacks of 1) introduction try out the location/amenities 2) sell the goods. It's a sales technique. The same method is used to sell timeshare rentals etc. Plus, Trump kicked Pedostein out of Mar-a-lago when Pedostein was caught hitting on a 15 year old. jews are fucking evil
There are people/prosecutors that saw the original files and were working on the case when Pedostein got picked up in Florida 10+ years ago. Lots of retired CIA agents are confirming it. How anyone can trust anything a CIA/ex_CIA agent says is beyond me. Could be true could be them trying to pin the blame on Israel.
However, since the CIA seems to get it's orders from Israel who knows.