Here's the antifa playbook to assure that biden wins, or else
Well, it's been a couple days and no one else has posted anything about the Denver situation... and the stuff I heard early on sounded pretty accurate that the producers at channel nine wanted someone to "cause a violent scene" so that News9 would get "the scoop" and get ratings boost/browni-buttons.....
Point but irrelevant.
Breaking things down and reverting everything back to the US Civil war is stupid. It's not going to happen.
Modern society and government has all but eliminated this situation on a large and lengthy scale. Perhaps there will be armed revolts, but to field an actual force for any length of time takes tremendous amounts of resources. The US Civil War was fought when the US economy was an agricultural based economy, whereas now the US economy is largely a service based economy.

It's vastly different from fielding an army based off of living off the land as the South largely did, to now -- cheerleaders and supporters of the revolution who work at a call center; they just don't have the means to support anyone other than themselves...
outdated thinking, read up on 4G warfare.

Not to mention all of the surveillance which the US government conducts on it's own citizens. The US Gov. tracking of financial moves in amounts as small as 5K - 10K, and the ability of the US government to immediately freeze bank accounts based on such movements. Although many of the US Agencies seem to be leaning left, those very agencies are large enough to have a contingent of right leaners to at least give the appearance of limiting bias.

You and others seem to forget, unfortunately, about how much information the US Government is privvy to.
and yet blm/antifa have burned down several cities and have continued to burn loot murder and riot for almost 4 months non-stop. what's the point in being omniscient if you do nothing with it? as events devolve with a lack of policing, the normies' respect for authority also drops. this is where militias grow in power and you start getting vigilantism.

Point. To a certain extent.
There will always be people who disagree with going to war no matter the circumstances. But, I fail to see how this is relevant to the situation. People, generally, want to continue breathing, eating and fucking. War tends to interrupt those things.

Certain segments of the government and entire agencies are directly encouraging the civil unrest for their own political purposes. The clearest examples are Portland, Seattle, NYC and a few others, not to mention the half of the Federal legislature still butthurt over a woman who has done little, but line her pockets who lost the Presidential election.
these courtesans are upset because trump has become a monkey wrench in their various machinations, they dont actually give half of a shit about hillary herself. the spirit of the times have changed and they have failed to seize upon it or adapt. as for the agencies, i suspect they are given more credit than they deserve, partially due to hollywood.

Eh. Most likely, however, the US has largely done so before and will do it again if people are allowed to be free. It a top down approach is finally applied, which is what both sides see this as stemming from then you are correct. Ironically, the situation which both sides see as the problem will most likely be used as the solution, because the citizenry will be demanding safety.
liberals have been waging a war of attrition against anyone to the right of lenin. people have lost jobs, businesses, and now even lives. CW1 was State versus Fed, but this time it's citizen versus citizen. i want to say this is going to be like the fall of the roman empire with an east/west split, but the truth of it is going to be a whole lot more complicated.

The US was still a country during the Civil War. To say a bunch of morbidly obese shield maidens will upend the country to the point of complete anarchy, or to a state similar to failed states is a stretch don't you think?
a bunch of soybois, hambeasts and sportsball americans managed to set up a couple autonomous zones, set the west coast on fire and burn down several cities.
outdated thinking, read up on 4G warfare.
"Revolutionaries" are not going to go back to their coffee barrista job in the morning after an all night engagement. For any serious military action, or to hold any gains of control you need dedicated forces. 4G as I understand outlines an insurgency tactics. While destructive, and inspiring terror, which are the two main goals, goals which further push the state to capitulate to their demands.

In most of the examples on Wiki, any ground that was held was temporary. There was no goal to rule, only to disrupt.

To use modern weapons, and hand load is a very precise and tedious task. It's far different now then when all they had to do is cast soft lead into balls and roughly premeasure powder for their paper cartridges.

and yet blm/antifa have burned down several cities and have continued to burn loot murder and riot for almost 4 months non-stop. what's the point in being omniscient if you do nothing with it? as events devolve with a lack of policing, the normies' respect for authority also drops.
It's easy when the state does not push back. Aside of the true ideologues, and the "military wings" of these organizations: BlakBloK, John Brown Gun club, Not Fucking Around Coalition (the only group that really concerns me), New Afrika Coalition, et al. the most of them seem to be "in love" with the idea of being a revolutionary. See when the Latinos, Blacks, and some whites showed bearing arms when BLM/Antifa showed up and threatened trouble. They shouted a bit but walked rather quickly through. The Latinos actually shot back and they took off running. This is a case where they only want to fight if they are guaranteed non-injury or arrest. Which is why the aforementioned cities are frequent targets of these groups.

this is where militias grow in power and you start getting vigilantism.
Which is why they want to crush Rittenhouse. He is a symbol of that resistance. And any harsh punishment metted out to him will be a warning and a declaration that the state is on their side no matter what.

these courtesans are upset because Drumpf has become a monkey wrench in their various machinations, they dont actually give half of a shit about hillary herself. the spirit of the times have changed and they have failed to seize upon it or adapt.
Oh they're plenty upset. Hillary was going to be more business as usual, the "soft revolution." You're right Trump threatens to roll it back.

as for the agencies, i suspect they are given more credit than they deserve, partially due to hollywood.
The web is far more tangled than you can imagine.

liberals have been waging a war of attrition against anyone to the right of lenin. people have lost jobs, businesses, and now even lives. CW1 was State versus Fed, but this time it's citizen versus citizen. i want to say this is going to be like the fall of the roman empire with an east/west split, but the truth of it is going to be a whole lot more complicated.
True to a point. All civil wars are citizen against citizen. However, the left wants total domination of the country. As much as they hate "fly over country" the people in charge know it's vital to the nation. With that they will need to hold ground permanently. With that you need a standing army or dedicated security personnel, as they did with CHAZ.

The US was still a country during the Civil War. To say a bunch of morbidly obese shield maidens will upend the country to the point of complete anarchy, or to a state similar to failed states is a stretch don't you think?
a bunch of soybois, hambeasts and sportsball americans managed to set up a couple autonomous zones, set the west coast on fire and burn down several cities.
Only because there was no resistance to their efforts. When Seattle finally pushed back CHAZ collapsed in a matter of minutes. A government openly fostering AZ's doesn't mean the BLM/Antifa won control of an area. It's just an example of a power vacuum that was allowed and filled. "Room to destroy," remember that in Baltimore?

The John Brown Gun Club, the group that pulled "security" for CHAZ are very bad amateurs at best. Four guys at the main gate expended 200-300 rounds on two teenaged, mentally ill black kids who were deemed "white supremacists." Out of a four man team, using 200 rounds, three reloaded if they were using 30 round mags. (why would you ever under load a magazine, right?) The stats get worse as the number of the team and round count per mag is reduced or if the number of rounds expended go up or anything in between. Think about it. And this was against two completely unarmed kids.

The point being is there is no or very limited risk for them. War by definition is a risky business. These people want to play war. They were seriously butthurt when pedodome and sk8rboi were killed, Bicepless is still crying that he lost his favorite girlfriend.
"coffee barista," "obese shield maidens"... its obvious now that everyone's opinion on this topic is set in stone, there's no point in continued debate.
No Lurk. you are the one that brought up 4G "warfare," which acts just like terrorism, which is.... wait for it..... is.
That was my point there, it is "terrorism", guerrilla warfare. That is how infantry are being trained to fight, that is also how non-state actors will fight as well.
No the military is not training to fight in terrorist tactics. 82nd is not in the business of building IEDs. "G4" is nothing new. Terrorist tactics are an aspect of warfare and have been since war began.
do you live here? do you understand how large this country is? do you try to look into political undercurrents? you've already shown yourself to be very dismissive. not very sun tzu.
Do you understand the goals of terrorist actions?
Do you understand the goals of a military.

On terrorism being a successful "military tactic," not to be confused with guerilla warfare. I'm willing to bet you couldn't explain the difference:
(but that is not really your fault, the leftists have been confusing people with the terms on purpose. It doesn't go over too well when Che is accurately described as a terrorist -- kinda ruins his brand.)

Size of country is irrelevant. History is replete with examples.
Population of nation is irrelevant. History is replete with examples.
The extremes politics are what drive the terrorists, unless you're in a nation that follows fundamentalist islam.

I'm dismissive because you haven't presented anything but your very limited and personal view on the matter and absurd conclusions which modern armies are now training in terrorist actions. On that, to a very limited, and very, very, very tiny degree you are correct, but studying what your opponent will or may do, is not following that course of action. Knowing how IEDs are deployed and what to look for before the big boom is not throwing in and joining in the allah ackbar chants.

You can study your opponents history and tactics without turning into them.
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