current Fivethirtyeight

Screenshot 2020-10-28 181021.png
Screenshot 2020-10-28 181057.png
Soros' agent paying them $1.75 per ballot..... so they got about

I honestly think I remember the CDC coming out and saying that only about 9000 (9001?) ( over9000?) deaths could be attributed to Covid alone, with all the rest actually blamed on co-morbidities... and then that entire rap getting quickly memory-holed and everyone going back to pointing their fingers and screeching "trumpsfault" like the psycho zombies in some bad night of the living dead movie from the eighties. This was six or eight weeks ago, idunno... Now everyone has completely forgotten that stuff about two hundred thousand dead if "we did everything right", the CDC and WHO look like multi-national teeter-totter mfg. conglomerates, and people are being physically attacked in the streets by both law enforcement and private citizens worldwide for "non-compliance" with a set of rules that were made as they went along like some second-grade hopscotch tournament. Pls give special ed and retard ratings if this sounds basically correct.

Oh, and btw, they oughta do Cuomo's kid, 'Fredo' from CNN JUST LIKE THEY DID IN THE MOVIES
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