could but he won't because he is a big orange pussy
Which media outlet collapses first?
ATT is dumping CNN for being a money pit.

LOL hesitating because of "political pressure." They are worried that Trump may buy it and turn it into TrumpVision. Which would be fucking awesome. Imagine a 24/7 news show with the political-circus non-stop. Fuck, sign me up.
Jebuz fucking Cripes.
Biden is turning out to be a whiter, older and more retarded Trudeau.
All I can say is that this can not possibly end well. :eek:
Also if Portland's dem. HQ is any example those sixty-fuck thousand troops in DC right now are there for a reason, and it is NOT to protecc them from Trumptardz... lol I can't wait for the briney river when the NiceGurlz go home and Pantifa has its way with the Capitol... or will they just keep a few thousand troops on standby at "The People's House"?
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