
1. The federal government is not responsible for keeping your belly full. With you, that's obviously an enormous endeavor.

2. Artificially raising the wages is noting more than introducing inflation which in a few years the economy will absorb. And the "minimum wage" is necessary to be raised again. The gubbermint likes this because they can extract more money from the citizens because the gubbermint has effectively divided up your wages into smaller chunks. Also, it has forced the middle class who once was able to be free of government assistance, to consider or request government assistance. More people on assistance = more socialist leaning votes + more taxes which reduces the mobility of the surviving middle class even further. Raising the minimum wage to a "living wage," whatever that amount is, is in actuality reducing the differences in wages for all types of work -- which is the goal of communism.
so is the solution to only have like 12 people that can afford luxuries while everyone else can barely afford food?

You are still studying to be a nurse are you not?
no way lol. whatever job i work next will have as little human contact as possible.
Would you be happy with your salary if it were the same as some nurse that was horrible? just started when you had 10 years in? the same as a Wendy McKing's french fry specialist?
1. that wouldn't happen
2. why should i feel the need to punish people for being less skilled than me?
3. why would i not be more pissed off at money grubbing CEOs, actors, speculators and sportball stars making more FAR more money than me while also being less skilled?
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Call Me Tim

so is the solution to only have like 12 people that can afford luxuries while everyone else can barely afford food?
Your all or nothing argument is childish and illogical.

I failed out of nursing school.

1. that wouldn't happen
2. why should i feel the need to punish people for being less skilled than me?
3. why would i not be more pissed off at money grubbing CEOs, actors, speculators and sportball stars making more FAR more money than me while also being less skilled?
1. actually does happen in communist/socialist countries. The ironic thing is doctor's salaries are kept in check by the gubbermint because of "free or low cost healthcare yey!!!!" While taxicab drivers who's business is volume, make more.
2. So in your mind a Rolls Royce and a 77 pinto should cost the same, they're both cars right?
3. You're fat, short and well, a potato. So you can cross off CEO. No one is going to want to watch you catch your breath if you try to run across the street. It takes skill, strength and endurance to be an athlete, so cross that one off as well. As so far as acting, meh you may have a shot at that, but knowing your personality, you would be a pain in the ass to work with and that would hamper your acting career.

So Dollar Store it is.


Your all or nothing argument is childish and illogical.


1. actually does happen in communist/socialist countries. The ironic thing is doctor's salaries are kept in check by the gubbermint because of "free or low cost healthcare yey!!!!" While taxicab drivers who's business is volume, make more.
2. So in your mind a Rolls Royce and a 77 pinto should cost the same, they're both cars right?
3. You're fat, short and well, a potato. So you can cross off CEO. No one is going to want to watch you catch your breath if you try to run across the street. It takes skill, strength and endurance to be an athlete, so cross that one off as well. As so far as acting, meh you may have a shot at that, but knowing your personality, you would be a pain in the ass to work with and that would hamper your acting career.

So Dollar Store it is.
So you're telling me you love the young buck negroes and think they should be paid millions despite contributing nothing to society

typical liberal


rare video footage of america leaving afghanistan

Call Me Tim

So you're telling me you love the young buck negroes and think they should be paid millions despite contributing nothing to society

typical liberal
No. But people like to watch them run really fast while carrying things or after they hit something. Oddly they don't like it when that thing is their TV but, the public is fickle.


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
so apparently MA's gonna end all the COVID-84 stuff in a couple weeks but i doubt anyone will actually stop wearing masks or anything because people here make the average britbongistani look ancap


I'm going to wear a mask forever. They're fucking awesome.
I don't care as much since I'm happy reducing human interaction to a minimum. Would not recommend wearing a mask forever though. German accident insurance requires employers not to let their employees wear N95 masks for more than 75 minutes with a minimum of 30 minutes break in between. This is due to the strain on the respiratory system.
Medicinal masks are not regulated.


ive always thought youre one of the more normal people on here but every time i see you make one of these posts im wondering if your german robotness just hides how autistic you really are
IRL I don't come off autistic at all afaik. I stand out a bit because I have an odd sense of humour compared with normie germans. Needless to say it's odd enough having a sense of humour at all as a German.
I despise crowds though and this has gotten worse the older I got. When I don't spend time taking a long drive to get to a store and I see a long ass queue, I usually just go home and come back later. If I do have to wait in line I maybe have a thousand yard stare sometimes. Also alcohol makes everything better.

Call Me Tim

I don't care as much since I'm happy reducing human interaction to a minimum. Would not recommend wearing a mask forever though. German accident insurance requires employers not to let their employees wear N95 masks for more than 75 minutes with a minimum of 30 minutes break in between. This is due to the strain on the respiratory system.
Medicinal masks are not regulated.
This is what happens when you lose two world wars. Your citizens become so weak they cannot breathe through a mask. Pick a small country with no real friends so you can win the next one, say dunno, Iraq.
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