I don't know what I'm talking about.

Occasionally, courts have ordered new elections for offices other than the presidency after a proven case of fraud or error. (Or gerrymandering — a court in North Carolina ordered new state legislative elections, though this order has been put on hold.) And a Senate election was once redone in New Hampshire because it was too close to determine even with multiple recounts.

But whether this kind of re-do is allowed for presidential elections is a more complicated matter. Some legal scholars maintain that the language in Article II of the Constitution prevents holding a presidential election again, thus putting it beyond the power of the courts to order a re-vote, as they have occasionally done for other offices. Others suggest that there is legal precedent for a presidential re-vote if there were flaws in the process. One instance in which this question arose was the “butterfly ballot” from the 2000 election, which may have caused some voters to choose Pat Buchanan when they meant to vote for Al Gore in Palm Beach County, Florida.2
The AZ Senate stripped Katie Hobbs of her Secretarial powers. Arguably, the second-most powerful person in AZ government.

This is even more important now because exPresident Biden is now calling for the UN to investigate the US for systemic racism.

The Right Wing conspiracy theorists are going to shit their pants. They been saying for 50+ years that the UN will occupy or be used as a police force against the US citizenry.

Perhaps, they should start at the top.

In the early days of the Soviet Union, people were arrested on the basis of race and "deported" to one of the now --stans. The ones they wanted to make an example out of were sent to the gulags for 20 years.

Occasionally, courts have ordered new elections for offices other than the presidency after a proven case of fraud or error. (Or gerrymandering — a court in North Carolina ordered new state legislative elections, though this order has been put on hold.) And a Senate election was once redone in New Hampshire because it was too close to determine even with multiple recounts.

But whether this kind of re-do is allowed for presidential elections is a more complicated matter. Some legal scholars maintain that the language in Article II of the Constitution prevents holding a presidential election again, thus putting it beyond the power of the courts to order a re-vote, as they have occasionally done for other offices. Others suggest that there is legal precedent for a presidential re-vote if there were flaws in the process. One instance in which this question arose was the “butterfly ballot” from the 2000 election, which may have caused some voters to choose Pat Buchanan when they meant to vote for Al Gore in Palm Beach County, Florida.2
The AZ Senate stripped Katie Hobbs of her Secretarial powers. Arguably, the second-most powerful person in AZ government.

This is even more important now because exPresident Biden is now calling for the UN to investigate the US for systemic racism.

The Right Wing conspiracy theorists are going to shit their pants. They been saying for 50+ years that the UN will occupy or be used as a police force against the US citizenry.

Perhaps, they should start at the top.

In the early days of the Soviet Union, people were arrested on the basis of race and "deported" to one of the now --stans. The ones they wanted to make an example out of were sent to the gulags for 20 years.
rofl I hope you didn't spend too much time on this (I didn't read any of it)
rofl I hope you didn't spend too much time on this (I didn't read any of it)
It's not for you you. I know better than to try to appeal to you, a leftist ideologue, with logic, facts and history. It's for others who may want to know if there is a reason behind what I'm saying and what validity it has.
He probably just read the title before posting this.
You're as assumptive as you are boring.
Among the findings revealed during Thursday’s hearing was the fact there was no record of 74,000 ballots received and included in 2020’s election results ever being mailed out.

@ilovejesus69 Copium my ass.
seethe and cope
Quit fussing and wear your masks.
Fuck you. The CDC AND Fauci both stated there is no scientific evidence which masks slow a viral transmission. All studies cite bactieral transmission. They are not the same. Because virus =/= bacteria. I mean the words are not even close.
Democrats Plan to Force Through Mass Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Aliens in Spending Bill


Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) has thrown his support behind Democrats' plan to shove through a mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens in a spending bill using budget reconciliation.

49 Jewish Groups Including ADL Call For Biden To Put Pathway to Citizenship For Illegals In Spending Billhttps://t.co/bGSikDiZ1T

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is reportedly throwing his support behind a Democrat budget that includes providing amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living in the United States.

For months, House and Senate Democrats have plotted to slip amnesty for illegal aliens into a filibuster-proof budget through the little-known “reconciliation” process. Manchin’s support for such a measure is crucial as he is considered one of the Democrats’ most moderate Senators, along with Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

According to Bloomberg News reporter Steven Dennis, Manchin has signaled his support for slipping an amnesty into the Democrat budget:

Manchin’s support for amnesty in a Democrat budget via reconciliation comes even as 5.5 percent of West Virginia’s residents are unemployed, all of whom want full-time jobs. Previous estimates have suggested that the Democrats’ amnesty will legalize about six million illegal aliens, setting them up to eventually apply for American citizenship.

The amnesty effort is being backed by the left-wing Center for American Progress, former President George W. Bush, the billionaire Koch brothers, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s FWD.us, as well as corporate interests like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable.

Asked by a reporter how he felt about the immigration provisions in the bill, Manchin replied, "I'm fine."

"I'm a 2013 immigration supporter. You can look at the 2013 bill and I thought that was a great bill. If we had that bill then, we wouldn't have the problems we'd have today," he said, referring to a comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate in 2013 but was never taken up by the House.

As the most conservative Senate Democrat, Manchin's support is critical to inclusion of any provision that ends up in the reconciliation bill.

Only Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) appears to be speaking out against it:

"Conservatives need to focus on a critical fight that hasn’t gotten enough attention: the Democrats' effort to stuff amnesty into a reconciliation bill. Granting amnesty, citizenship, voting rights, and welfare for millions of illegal aliens is not just a simple “budget” item, but the White House is still trying to force this through. If this amnesty goes through, it means lower wages for Americans, higher deficit spending, increased crime, and threats to our national security. They want open borders, no immigration enforcement, and amnesty. Under the Biden administration, they’ve already achieved the first two."
Biden DHS Official: Americans Trying to Preserve Their Heritage 'Makes Me Sick'

(((Samantha Vinograd))), the Department of Homeland Security's new acting assistant secretary for counterterrorism and threat prevention in the Office of Strategy, Policy and Plans is a former CNN analyst who said the idea of Americans trying to preserve their heritage makes her "sick."

While appearing on CNN in March 2019, Vinograd slammed President Trump for giving a speech at CPAC about the importance of preserving our heritage.

"His statement makes me sick, on a personal level," Vinograd said. "Preserving your heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about six million other Jews in the 1940s."

Vinograd continued, "He pretends there are massive flows of illegal immigrants coming over our borders and spending billions of dollars on a border wall emergency instead of paying attention to real national security threats. He sounds a lot like despotic leaders who talked about white heritage and white nationalism around the world and putting resources in the wrong place and pretending there are foreign people trying to influence our country in a way that just isn't accurate."

Vinograd will be working together with DHS Secretary (((Alejandro Mayorkas))) and DHS's top counterterrorism official, (((John Cohen))), on "counterterrorism" and "threat prevention," aka labeling the American people as "terrorists" in order to strip them of all their rights.

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