One thing to remember is to fight to keep your freedom of speech and your guns
Look at Australia and the UK: the populace is disarmed, muzzled, and powerless.
Why would some foreigner care about US citizen's rights.
To be honest, to all the pro 2A's out there, if the gobbermint wanted to take your weapons they could. It would be very easy.
1. The ATF has a national gun registry -- illegal but they essentially do. All forms are electronic now and they've been scanning paper 4473 forms since 2010 at least. They had so many forms in their warehouse, the floor collapsed. Now since they know where all the guns are all they have to do is use --- the
2. Credit card companies and banks which now track firearm and ammo purchases. Who buys ammo for a gun they don't have? There is no law against ammunition databases. So now...
3. They know who you are. Thanks to the cross referencing between the departments, the IRS can share your workplace information with the ATF/FBI. you can thank Bush 43 for that breach of privacy. Now that they know where you work....
4. They can do one day of surveillance and find out who's at home when you're at work, which means...
5. While you're at work they kick down your door, shoot your pets and take your guns and anything else they want. If they break into your gun locker or safe and see bearer bonds or precious metals, there's no tie of ownership, and no one can prove you actually owned those assets.
OR they just roll up in a tank or armored car, point weapons at your wife/gf/kids and say if you don't surrender, they will see this as an act of aggression and open fire. Before you say, no that won't happen, the standards for cops has fallen drastically since St Floyd died for our sins. They are now DEI hires and have no qualms about killing Trumpers. And the ATF has a long history of doing just that. See Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bryan Malinowski and so many more debacles.