Hmm, that’s debatable.
no it's not
Nah, the trafficking of drugs can be brought to heel, but it will be an onerous task. But it can be done.

Quence Advice: long prison terms for repeat drug consuming offenders. Death Penalty for drug traffickers and dealers. These common sense initiatives should get the undivided attention of all things druggie.
you could literally threaten to catapult every drug dealer/consumer into the sun and it still wouldn't do anything.

Exo-US politics
The United States has the largest consumer demand for recreational drugs in the world

There's no way, legally or otherwise, you can change that. It's a little more convenient for both the government and general public to have the actual drug production happen outside the US, so the cartels are allowed to exist.
Yes there is. Follow Sweden's model on drug use. Incarceration, treatment and non-glorifying.
It works.
I parrot the most retarded takes because I'm a retarded female impersonator.
Yes. You can stop now. This is overkill.
It works for Sweden, a mostly homogenous country with a low crime rate, low population and comparatively low consumer demand for drugs.
The low demand is due to the social environment not glorifying drugs and seeing drugs as a source of shame and low status.

Sweden homogenous? Seriously? Have you not been paying attention to what is happening to the Nordic countries and western Europe since the late nineties? Or are you being retardedly objectionable because you're retarded?
It works for Sweden, a mostly homogenous country with a low crime rate, low population and comparatively low consumer demand for drugs.
Comparatively low crime rate.
Sweden has a massive problem with gangs originating in the caucasus/old Yugoslav nations for one thing. Assassinations and inept attempts at assasinations using grenades and bloody missile launchers happened quite regularly for a while.
A situation we commonly refered to as "Helt Texas" which basically means bumfuck retarded and out of control.
One massive issue has been that for decades it was considered politically incorrect to tell new arrivals that they were expected to act like fucking Swedes, thus the many jokes about "public sound-insulated rape sheds" to cater to the multicultural masses.
Jupiter is a gas giant. You can't walk on the surface.....

I see what you did there.
At what is tentatively described as the surface the gravity is about 2.6G making standing, let alone walking very challenging. At a depth were you'd encounter a "walkable" surface you would not be bothered as by that point thousands of atmospheres of pressure and hundreds of degrees of heat would have turned you into jerky. You'd have a pretty long shelf-life due to the constant irradiation though.
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