Bitey, I must tell you that I don’t like rap and I ESPECIALLY dislike wiggers.
Now, what is the REAL source of the low grade anger you’ve recently been displaying? Remember, it’s Quence who you’re speaking to. I am one of your supporters on EDF. I’m one of the very few people who understands you….I get you, dude, big thinker, philosophical genuis, and scribe to the God or Gods.
Let’s remain friends, mkay?
If you ask people I know on Gab who I'm friends with, do you know what they're likely to tell you?
That I'm friends with art.
So unless you're some form of that... you're not my friend.
What do you create, Quence?
You retard yourself, you act like an overgrown tickle-me-elmo doll... is that on purpose, for art... or is that because you're mentally damaged in some capacity?
See, your kind always gets confused around my kind, Quence. You see an artist and you think... I'm fucked up, so I must be an artist!
Being different doesn't make you an artist, it just makes you strange because there's no coherent cause for it. You seek difference for exploitative intent rather than artistic intent.
It's a subtle difference and most humans don't readily pick up on it which is why they're drowning in indolent entitlement with a total lack of efforted enlightenment.
Because the ratio is like 99% to 1%.
For every aspiring artisan there are countless copy kittens clawing their way to undeserved attention.
What's worse, when you are in that 1%... everything evil, everything destructive is drawn to incessantly attack!
Why? Because they think art is something you steal, not something you strive to work towards.
Even the lowest of the losers like you steal, Quence... you try to steal my attention, my time, my thoughts.
What right do you have to call me a friend? What have you created for creation?
You simply exist, or subsist... I crave creation.
I crave creation enough to kill cancer...

Matthew Moulton on Gab: 'Dear, The Humans. I have talked to you before ab…'
Matthew Moulton on Gab: 'Dear, The Humans. I have talked to you before about how you can use histamine injections in cancer in order to incite a direct, localized and magnified immune response as a means of speeding up natural recovery. Likewise, you can do the attached. Also... if you inject...
Several times over.
We are not the same species.