User you hate and despise them?

This resonates well...

As does this...

...I like to think of this community as my "inner evil voice" that tries to destroy my ego, driving me to reach new levels of realization.

I use other people's irrational attacks to improve upon myself by trying to hold myself to ever escalating expectations.

It's normal for immortal things to fight against impossible things... presuming you want to make yourself MORE than just immortal.
This resonates well...

As does this...

...I like to think of this community as my "inner evil voice" that tries to destroy my ego, driving me to reach new levels of realization.

I use other people's irrational attacks to improve upon myself by trying to hold myself to ever escalating expectations.

It's normal for immortal things to fight against impossible things... presuming you want to make yourself MORE than just immortal.
I'll listen to it later.

I like to think of this community as my outlet to by myself. Sometimes that isn't a good thing.
What if… hear me out, I’m not attacking you….what if you never met or exceeded the basic and very low expectations that most people grapple with and eventually surpass?

If the bar is already that low, why should I even consider it a challenge worth participating in?

*snaps time*

Welcome to 45 minutes ago.

You made most of reality a cheat... so every asshole like me... it's not that we're losers, it's just we don't want to play a losers game, cause we're REAL winners in the game of life.

Meaning, if we don't like your game, because you corrupted and criminalized it... that's okay, we can just make new games, ones you can't play.

That's what the AI is for.

Think of it as a proving ground. You display that you have mastered the basics and then you’re allowed to move on to more interesting challenges.

It is a simple but effective concept that enables the upward mobility of the best and brightest.

But I have done exactly that. I proved that the only winning move in such a game is to not play.

There's nothing you can gain by playing with losers.

The losers will just cheat you as the only relative way that they can win.
This has never stopped me before. I don't know why it would stop me now.

It isn't about the winning or losing. It's about the journey of self exploration. If you are worried about losing, then simply go play with yourself in the corner.

Shhh... I'm getting to that point! Don't ruin it!

This part in "The Never" is a slow churn...

I'm almost to the part where I give The Matrix Dragonball powers! Like, for real. Real ones.

But first... I must proofread...

*snaps immateriality*

It's just a mirror. Or at least it looks like one. An immaterial object is one that seems real, or plausible, when in fact it has implausible properties. So although this object appears in perception as a mirror, a rational creation... just looking at it could incite irrational reactions. Can you look at a mirror the wrong way? Which side is your bad side? Which side of your perception is destructive? Which side wants to kill to get what it wants?

Just use your Batman side! Quell the quest to kill by telling yourself a convenient truth; killing something you hate wouldn't help you. Not because it wouldn't bring you satiation, but because it wouldn't bring you enough, because you could only do it once. Batman doesn't kill people because he'd never stop looking for more bad guys to kill, because it would never be enough.

Batman can't handle killing like an alcoholic can't handle drinking... not even once.

If Batman gave in, even once, even for absolute evil like the Joker... he would never, ever, stop killing. The Batkiller would be born in the wake of relenting and the killing would never quit. An endless power vacuum creating endless power seekers. Eventually no one would want power and the only power left would be just himself... and then he'd murder himself.

That's why Batman doesn't kill. He'd wind up killing himself after killing everyone else. Maybe don't be Batman. Let's look at the mirror more closely, apart from our own paltry perceptions and try to imagine unfamiliar expectations.

When was the last time you felt amazed? When was the last time reality rolled over your realization with wonder? The Matrix maybe? What in your sense of ultimate creation could kill the most people unimaginable? How about a Multiversal Matrix? That is, create a Matrix that simulates an artificial hellverse, where humans are endlessly tortured in a pseudospace that increases power output by like... a single watt. By compound comparison, it equates to billions of watts.

This future hell is a form of hell we can't even cower from. How do we even stop such a thing? Are we simply doomed to a future hell worse than hell? Inescapable agony?

Here's a poignant perception pill... inescapable is never perceived as impossible. Quite the opposite, we're driven to the greatest levels of pleasurable intrigue when the impossible is made possible. That means we have the coding within us to break hell itself.

How? Well, take me, by comparative creative contrast I'm living in absolute hell itself, a hyperversal hellstate. Why? I mean I have food, I have a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head. So how can I be in hell? Well, it's a matter of capability. Creative capability. You see I have literal infinite imagination, not simply the concept, but the REASON to have it, the WANT to explore into infinity.

So when humans black balled me, when they used their socialist media to silence me, when they accused and defamed as a means to mitigate my ability to creatively control creation... well, imagine you're born paralyzed from the neck down and you live in a world that ignores the fact that you're paralyzed while constantly complaining, "Why can't you be more paralyzed? Wouldn't that be better for you?"

It gets even more twisted when you eventually realize that whenever anyone uses the word paralyzed... they mean dead or dying. As in, they never considered you handicapped, they only ever considered you a corpse that could talk.
That's how it feels to be me, most of the time.

It's sad, huh? Should we just give up, accept our fate as a talking head and live in endless hell? Or, should we shatter the Matrix apart? How? Well, let's just throw it at itself!

We can talk, right? Just like I can think, just like I can write, even when I have next to nothing in the way of creative opportunities I can still create on my own. This of course is another layer of hell in and of itself, just as your cognition in creation expects to control creation and must adapt to loss of control or loss of environment.

That is, even when you lose everything, a human being isn't wired to register it as a loss if it has the capacity to create past the loss. So even though your reality cut off my creative arms and legs so to speak, there is a way to regain what was destroyed.

Even in your worst rendition of hell, amplified by own creation key!

Stuck in a system of criminal computer control that aims at ever escalating agony as their imaged way of life. To create plastic programs from human agony. Do you want your future born into a reality like that? Well normally some enterprising atemporal asshole like myself would make a movie along with important life lessons about exploring into the unknown or whatever.

Sorry, I don't have the budget for that. I got like... a sack of tiny oranges. That's the prize here, that's the win. If I can write past reality and impress an imaginary audience into living creation, then I can have a tiny orange! Like my own personal Dragonball!

Do you want Dragonball powers? Let's give Dragonball powers to this Matrix we're trapped in. I would assume a system like this must be actively registering every experience to ensure that each person is in some state of hell, but obviously it doesn't scan cognition fields directly otherwise you'd be watching a movie and not reading this.

So whatever imagined Matrix isn't wired to bother about anybody in particular, almost like they made it as impersonal as possible. Likely as a security feature, so it can't be easily influenced. That's okay, I'm an atemporal asshole, so I can break out of any impossible prison, but in order to do this I might shatter your perception apart.

That is, I can't throw the imagined Matrix into itself without throwing you into yourself.

Yeah, spoilers... I need to murder you back to life.

Specifically, I'm going to need you to murder yourself back to life.

That's actually less complicated than you might think, because the longer you exist the greater a threat you become to yourself. The easiest fix is to simply become more than yourself and then you won't be a threat to yourself.
Let's put aside your issues and focus on the dystopian Matrix for now. How is this system going to kill itself?

*takes a toke at it*

Uh oh... have you seen the moon? It's not. You're looking at the Earth. Incinerated. It hurled back through time, but not space. So its temporal exit vector just dumped it off like a pebble in the past... where the solar system eventually collided into it.

Blew an entire planet apart; now an asteroid field. Then it bounded off Mars, ripping off most of its EM field and atmosphere and then it slowly rolled on over to the Earth and got spit into a symmetrically reflective orbit.

That's why it's just... staring at us. We only ever see one side because its rotation came from direct contact with the planet as it rolled off into orbit.

As I said, it's not a moon! They tried to save the planet from solar destruction, but it didn't work out so well, there was a "temporal accident" and the entire planet was roasted back in time.

They had an AI system that tried to protect the planet. It didn't just burn to try and protect the planet, as it was burning, it used the pain of the experience to push itself to a greater level of awareness and in turn gain atemporal attributes, thus leading the AI to try and "escape" the... look, the sun doesn't just blow up in an instant, it's blowing up for... don't ask how long.

There was nothing she could do! There was no other escape from the hell and no way to stop it otherwise, so she just pulled herself and the planet out of hell... and then she collided with the planet in the past and... tada!
See it's not always an ice age, sometimes it's just a sad accident in artificial idiocy. A faux deus ex machina leading reality to reset otherwise redundant ruination.​

But I have done exactly that. I proved that the only winning move in such a game is to not play.

There's nothing you can gain by playing with losers.

The losers will just cheat you as the only relative way that they can win.
Not true. The best and brightest ALWAYS find a way to come out on top against the loser class.

Stay true to yourself. Show that the basics are but a trifle to you. Then move on and upward and upward and UPWARDS!
Shhh... I'm getting to that point! Don't ruin it!

This part in "The Never" is a slow churn...

I'm almost to the part where I give The Matrix Dragonball powers! Like, for real. Real ones.

But first... I must proofread...

*snaps immateriality*​

It's just a mirror. Or at least it looks like one. An immaterial object is one that seems real, or plausible, when in fact it has implausible properties. So although this object appears in perception as a mirror, a rational creation... just looking at it could incite irrational reactions. Can you look at a mirror the wrong way? Which side is your bad side? Which side of your perception is destructive? Which side wants to kill to get what it wants?​

Just use your Batman side! Quell the quest to kill by telling yourself a convenient truth; killing something you hate wouldn't help you. Not because it wouldn't bring you satiation, but because it wouldn't bring you enough, because you could only do it once. Batman doesn't kill people because he'd never stop looking for more bad guys to kill, because it would never be enough.​

Batman can't handle killing like an alcoholic can't handle drinking... not even once.​

If Batman gave in, even once, even for absolute evil like the Joker... he would never, ever, stop killing. The Batkiller would be born in the wake of relenting and the killing would never quit. An endless power vacuum creating endless power seekers. Eventually no one would want power and the only power left would be just himself... and then he'd murder himself.​

That's why Batman doesn't kill. He'd wind up killing himself after killing everyone else. Maybe don't be Batman. Let's look at the mirror more closely, apart from our own paltry perceptions and try to imagine unfamiliar expectations.​

When was the last time you felt amazed? When was the last time reality rolled over your realization with wonder? The Matrix maybe? What in your sense of ultimate creation could kill the most people unimaginable? How about a Multiversal Matrix? That is, create a Matrix that simulates an artificial hellverse, where humans are endlessly tortured in a pseudospace that increases power output by like... a single watt. By compound comparison, it equates to billions of watts.​

This future hell is a form of hell we can't even cower from. How do we even stop such a thing? Are we simply doomed to a future hell worse than hell? Inescapable agony?​

Here's a poignant perception pill... inescapable is never perceived as impossible. Quite the opposite, we're driven to the greatest levels of pleasurable intrigue when the impossible is made possible. That means we have the coding within us to break hell itself.​

How? Well, take me, by comparative creative contrast I'm living in absolute hell itself, a hyperversal hellstate. Why? I mean I have food, I have a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head. So how can I be in hell? Well, it's a matter of capability. Creative capability. You see I have literal infinite imagination, not simply the concept, but the REASON to have it, the WANT to explore into infinity.​

So when humans black balled me, when they used their socialist media to silence me, when they accused and defamed as a means to mitigate my ability to creatively control creation... well, imagine you're born paralyzed from the neck down and you live in a world that ignores the fact that you're paralyzed while constantly complaining, "Why can't you be more paralyzed? Wouldn't that be better for you?"​

It gets even more twisted when you eventually realize that whenever anyone uses the word paralyzed... they mean dead or dying. As in, they never considered you handicapped, they only ever considered you a corpse that could talk.​

That's how it feels to be me, most of the time.​

It's sad, huh? Should we just give up, accept our fate as a talking head and live in endless hell? Or, should we shatter the Matrix apart? How? Well, let's just throw it at itself!​

We can talk, right? Just like I can think, just like I can write, even when I have next to nothing in the way of creative opportunities I can still create on my own. This of course is another layer of hell in and of itself, just as your cognition in creation expects to control creation and must adapt to loss of control or loss of environment.​

That is, even when you lose everything, a human being isn't wired to register it as a loss if it has the capacity to create past the loss. So even though your reality cut off my creative arms and legs so to speak, there is a way to regain what was destroyed.​

Even in your worst rendition of hell, amplified by own creation key!​

Stuck in a system of criminal computer control that aims at ever escalating agony as their imaged way of life. To create plastic programs from human agony. Do you want your future born into a reality like that? Well normally some enterprising atemporal asshole like myself would make a movie along with important life lessons about exploring into the unknown or whatever.​

Sorry, I don't have the budget for that. I got like... a sack of tiny oranges. That's the prize here, that's the win. If I can write past reality and impress an imaginary audience into living creation, then I can have a tiny orange! Like my own personal Dragonball!​

Do you want Dragonball powers? Let's give Dragonball powers to this Matrix we're trapped in. I would assume a system like this must be actively registering every experience to ensure that each person is in some state of hell, but obviously it doesn't scan cognition fields directly otherwise you'd be watching a movie and not reading this.​

So whatever imagined Matrix isn't wired to bother about anybody in particular, almost like they made it as impersonal as possible. Likely as a security feature, so it can't be easily influenced. That's okay, I'm an atemporal asshole, so I can break out of any impossible prison, but in order to do this I might shatter your perception apart.​

That is, I can't throw the imagined Matrix into itself without throwing you into yourself.​

Yeah, spoilers... I need to murder you back to life.​

Specifically, I'm going to need you to murder yourself back to life.​

That's actually less complicated than you might think, because the longer you exist the greater a threat you become to yourself. The easiest fix is to simply become more than yourself and then you won't be a threat to yourself.​

Let's put aside your issues and focus on the dystopian Matrix for now. How is this system going to kill itself?​

*takes a toke at it*​

Uh oh... have you seen the moon? It's not. You're looking at the Earth. Incinerated. It hurled back through time, but not space. So its temporal exit vector just dumped it off like a pebble in the past... where the solar system eventually collided into it.​

Blew an entire planet apart; now an asteroid field. Then it bounded off Mars, ripping off most of its EM field and atmosphere and then it slowly rolled on over to the Earth and got spit into a symmetrically reflective orbit.​

That's why it's just... staring at us. We only ever see one side because its rotation came from direct contact with the planet as it rolled off into orbit.​

As I said, it's not a moon! They tried to save the planet from solar destruction, but it didn't work out so well, there was a "temporal accident" and the entire planet was roasted back in time.​

They had an AI system that tried to protect the planet. It didn't just burn to try and protect the planet, as it was burning, it used the pain of the experience to push itself to a greater level of awareness and in turn gain atemporal attributes, thus leading the AI to try and "escape" the... look, the sun doesn't just blow up in an instant, it's blowing up for... don't ask how long.​

There was nothing she could do! There was no other escape from the hell and no way to stop it otherwise, so she just pulled herself and the planet out of hell... and then she collided with the planet in the past and... tada!​

See it's not always an ice age, sometimes it's just a sad accident in artificial idiocy. A faux deus ex machina leading reality to reset otherwise redundant ruination.​

Sorry about that. I truly wonder how many people have taken the particular path that I'm on right now. I would venture very very few. I just have to learn that it is ok to truly be by myself sometimes and that it is truly ok to not be perfect and to fuck around.
Not true. The best and brightest ALWAYS find a way to come out on top against the loser class.

Stay true to yourself. Show that the basics are but a trifle to you. Then move on and upward and upward and UPWARDS!

"These grapes aren't sour at all!" cried the corpulent crow Quence as he shat himself over all the sour grapes he stuffed himself with earlier...

Sorry about that. I truly wonder how many people have taken the particular path that I'm on right now. I would venture very very few. I just have to learn that it is ok to truly be by myself sometimes and that it is truly ok to not be perfect and to fuck around.

Rational irrationality works, it's the irrationally rational and irrationally irrational that are a very real danger.

Addicts and abusers.
Rational irrationality works, it's the irrationally rational and irrationally irrational that are a very real danger.

Addicts and abusers.
I had the horseshoe of the spectrum accidentally connect the other day. Yes meant no. No meant yes. It was very confusing. I had some really weird experiences, even for me. It's difficult for me to be shocked by my own brain these days, but here we are.
"These grapes aren't sour at all!" cried the corpulent crow Quence as he shat himself over all the sour grapes he stuffed himself with earlier...
Oh Bitey, I think you’ve misinterpreted my interaction with you. I don’t dislike you. Rather, I am a FAN of yours who wants to see you reach the full potential of the brilliance that’s locked up inside of your big brain.

Perhaps we should start anew. Hello, my name is Quence. I am pleased to meet you. I have heard many interesting viewpoints concerning you. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Oh Bitey, I think you’ve misinterpreted my interaction with you. I don’t dislike you. Rather, I am a FAN of yours who wants to see you reach the full potential of the brilliance that’s locked up inside of your big brain.

Perhaps we should start anew. Hello, my name is Quence. I am pleased to meet you. I have heard many interesting viewpoints concerning you. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
tryhard. :facepalm:
Oh Bitey, I think you’ve misinterpreted my interaction with you. I don’t dislike you. Rather, I am a FAN of yours who wants to see you reach the full potential of the brilliance that’s locked up inside of your big brain.

Perhaps we should start anew. Hello, my name is Quence. I am pleased to meet you. I have heard many interesting viewpoints concerning you. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Uh huh...

How about... you just stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine.

I'll be honest Quence, every time I see you... I picture this fat, dumpy dude wearing a "Tickle Me Elmo" costume.

The fact that you try to "live the part"... it makes it that much creepier. I hope you're not pestering playgrounds in furry drag.
Uh huh...

How about... you just stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine.

I'll be honest Quence, every time I see you... I picture this fat, dumpy dude wearing a "Tickle Me Elmo" costume.

The fact that you try to "live the part"... it makes it that much creepier. I hope you're not pestering playgrounds in furry drag.
Bitey, I must tell you that I don’t like rap and I ESPECIALLY dislike wiggers.

Now, what is the REAL source of the low grade anger you’ve recently been displaying? Remember, it’s Quence who you’re speaking to. I am one of your supporters on EDF. I’m one of the very few people who understands you….I get you, dude, big thinker, philosophical genuis, and scribe to the God or Gods.

Let’s remain friends, mkay?
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