The running theory in that thread is that it was a perforation in the diaphragm n those whited out patches are bowel contents but fuck if I know
I think I'd actually rather have cancer than that be true.

singing pills

best poster ever
This is serious (serious). We could make you delirious (delirious). You should have a healthy fear of us (fear of us). Too much of us is dangerous (no no no no). Doctors tell the pharmacies (pharmacies) Types of pills that you will need (you will need). And they know the harm that we can be (we can be) If we're not taken carefully (no no no no). We're not candy (believe us!) Even though we look so fine and dandy. When you're sick we come in handy, but We're not candy... ohhh, no.
Apparently it's chronic aortic pathology?

I mean there's no way anyone could get this with zero medical history from the patient. Even the attending still had to order a CTA chest on the poor fucker just to check him out for acute shit.

But yeah having a fat stove pipe tortuous aorta will give the mediastinum an abnormal appearance on a chest xray.

look at this ouchie



Healer's Fist
EDF2 Survivor
I mean there's no way anyone could get this with zero medical history from the patient. Even the attending still had to order a CTA chest on the poor fucker just to check him out for acute shit.

But yeah having a fat stove pipe tortuous aorta will give the mediastinum an abnormal appearance on a chest xray.

look at this ouchie

View attachment 12701
Well. There is a gaping hole where his toe should be.
Tissue around it doesn't look necrotic but I also don't see any bone in the fucking Volcano sized fissure there. So. Two guesses.
1. Post on cleanup of a diabetic ulcer that turned into osteomyelitis necessitating full removal of the tarsal branch and the hole was left so they can form a flap n close the wound after swelling goes down.
2. Some funky intense trauma that only ripped off that toe. Tho I reckon it looks too good to be that.

You have made me curious this is a cock tease lol.
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