I hijacked the wiki and was cucked by ethan ralph.
Encyclopedia Dramatica is being sued again for the second time.
Kevin Mann who's article can be found here: is requesting $15,000 for being called a "manlet".
We plan to handle the situation as follows:
- Allow everyone to type whatever they want in the official physical court response that I'll mail into the court via
- Get dragged into court
- (If we can raise enough money) Get a retarded lawyer to ask Mann in court why calling him a manlet is inaccurate, forcing them to prove the statement
- ???
- Lulz
- Lose the case
- Dissolve the LLC with only $6.66 in it
- Create a new LLC
- Call Mann retarded for trying to swing and post his SSN
Official sue notice can be found/downloaded here.
Here's to a happy lolsuit adventure.
Kevin Mann who's article can be found here: is requesting $15,000 for being called a "manlet".
We plan to handle the situation as follows:
- Allow everyone to type whatever they want in the official physical court response that I'll mail into the court via
- Get dragged into court
- (If we can raise enough money) Get a retarded lawyer to ask Mann in court why calling him a manlet is inaccurate, forcing them to prove the statement
- ???
- Lulz
- Lose the case
- Dissolve the LLC with only $6.66 in it
- Create a new LLC
- Call Mann retarded for trying to swing and post his SSN
Official sue notice can be found/downloaded here.
Here's to a happy lolsuit adventure.