We're getting sued again


I hijacked the wiki and was cucked by ethan ralph.
Encyclopedia Dramatica is being sued again for the second time.

Kevin Mann who's article can be found here: https://encyclopediadramatica.wiki/index.php/Kevin_Mann is requesting $15,000 for being called a "manlet".

We plan to handle the situation as follows:

- Allow everyone to type whatever they want in the official physical court response that I'll mail into the court via https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AQ-8oZddw99Q3hEcrNi7cpALlnAWCh_Vk8asMB_r3KI/edit?usp=sharing
- Get dragged into court
- (If we can raise enough money) Get a retarded lawyer to ask Mann in court why calling him a manlet is inaccurate, forcing them to prove the statement
- ???
- Lulz
- Lose the case
- Dissolve the LLC with only $6.66 in it
- Create a new LLC
- Call Mann retarded for trying to swing and post his SSN

Official sue notice can be found/downloaded here.

Here's to a happy lolsuit adventure.
What a goofy looking little fella with an odd personality.

I don't give money to bums, you're gonna spend it all in, y'know, the crack!
If that money is spent on heroin and cocaine instead, then I'll help with writing up court documents... my service fee is copious amounts of heroin and cocaine.
If that money is spent on heroin and cocaine instead, then I'll help with writing up court documents... my service fee is copious amounts of heroin and cocaine.
Y'know, i'd appreciate if these bums were straightforward about the whole thing. Like, gimme money for crack cocaine! I'd chip in a dollar just for the honesty
Y'know, i'd appreciate if these bums were straightforward about the whole thing. Like, gimme money for crack cocaine! I'd chip in a dollar just for the honesty
Hey, I gladly work for my drugs. And my clients know it.

Of course most of the time it's through coded language: "I can work through the night if you need me to rush it, but I'm tacking on an $80 extra fee for some 'midnight sinus-injected Tenderloin Red Bull'."
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