If you’re underpaid, how were U able to save lots of money?
by underpaid I'm being paid between 1/2 and 1/3 of my actual worth (other companies are offering that much for my ass and I'm trying to jump ship). I can live happily with minimum wage, my spending (due to the job being stressful) has increased significantly (had a bad week? let's try to make it better by treating the family with takeout) but my salary is still quite nice in my country. In general I can live like a NEET and love it.
by underpaid I'm being paid between 1/2 and 1/3 of my actual worth (other companies are offering that much for my ass and I'm trying to jump ship). I can live happily with minimum wage, my spending (due to the job being stressful) has increased significantly (had a bad week? let's try to make it better by treating the family with takeout) but my salary is still quite nice in my country. In general I can live like a NEET and love it.
So the cost of living is quite low in your area? If you've got lots of money saved up, why not get your own place instead of living with your parents?
So you can become a man and make your own decisions. And, most women are not impressed by men who still live in their parents’ home.
Yeah impress "women" such as yourself by burning valuable time and wasting money on some media manufactured bullshit, instead of saving up. Genghis Khan lived with his mother, almost all of Asia lives with their parents and nowadays most westerners are forced to do it too(or share rent with some faggots). From the dawn of time man has lived with their relatives and for some mythical period of 20 years in the USA some fags could live on their own so let's do it. 60 years ago it was a severe punishment to get kicked out but you know americans "we aren't antiscoial losers we're cool", "we didn't shart in our pants, we demonstrated our liberty", "I'm not a fucked in the ass retard I'm cool, independent and industrious, that's why I have 3 jobs, loans to pay and live in a 6 square meters apartment".

@GroyperSupreme You lived in those mythical 20 years, where an average USA citizen "could" work one construction job and get a house and support a family. Was it really true?
@GroyperSupreme You lived in those mythical 20 years, where an average USA citizen "could" work one construction job and get a house and support a family. Was it really true?
Yep. and Reagan saved all the little children from drugs and gangs and everything was sunshine and rainbows. Then crack cocaine and hipsters happened...
@GroyperSupreme You lived in those mythical 20 years, where an average USA citizen "could" work one construction job and get a house and support a family. Was it really true?

Yes. To a point. November though February still sucked. Who the fuck wants to remodel during Christmas or Thanksgiving. And good luck trying to put up siding in January/February weather.

The construction industry wasn't completely saturated with illegals. Now in construction the only non-illegals you'll find are ones in specialized skilled jobs, ie electricians, masons, engineers, surveyors etc. but now there are illegals are creeping in because -- just have it inspected and signed off on by an American company and you're good, if the journeyman/labor is illegal who's gonna know? Now you'll have illegal plumbers, electricians, masons, etc. Long gone are the "tu gringo puta" roofing crew.

Drive by any construction site and I bet you'll see nothing but illegals/dreamers doing the grunt/semi-skilled work. It's the only way they can keep costs down. Lumber was through the roof for the last 8 months and to the point where it shut down projects.

But, the reason why the old days were like that was largely due to an economy that was functional and inflationary repercussions were held to a minimum. And people were accepting that if you spent too much money in credit purchases you would fuck yourself in the long run. Now, it's the exact opposite.

The name of the game now IS credit spending. Get the job first, spend what you have to complete it and dump it on the market. With the real estate market as it is in most places, any construction cost overage will be covered by the increased sale price, and you still will make profit.
I work at an old folks home and live in a largeish house with my insane mother. Its cool tho bc the yard is huge and i can do what I want with it essentially

At this point i could move out if i really wanted to but theres absolutely no reason
Your mother is only insane for letting yo get away with as much as you do.
Plus, on your wage you would literally be living hand to mouth. Save yoru money because the crash is coming.
Your mother is only insane for letting yo get away with as much as you do.
Thats so true tbh.
Plus, on your wage you would literally be living hand to mouth. Save yoru money because the crash is coming.
I know. 90% of my pay would be going to rent and utilities and for something shittier than where i am now. No reason.

I do the yard work here and pay for groceries. I've offered to give her money but she wouldn't take it
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