What are some good times to say "I regret nothing"?

Dropping 5 grams of shrooms before getting on a 12 hour nonstop flight to Dubai.
getting challenged by ur retarded cousin to win a counter strike match on shrooms, getting owned by nerds, proceed to rage whilst storming out of the house without a shirt in flip-flops, going into to the woods, start shouting like a deranged nigger, people who hear u think ur a skinwalker, get lost in the woods, everything is pitch black, stumble into a random yard at some dudes house, for some reason u think his cartwheel is cotton candy, proceed to try to eat it, some red neck gets out of the house and instantly starts bashing ur face in while shouting gibberish, u panic and grab his fingers and snap them and fumble back in the woods, the hillbilly grabs his gun, starts shooting in your direction because its his land or some retarded shit like that; u literally shit yourself and start crouching in the tall grass like hiding from the fucking Predator, minutes pass and u fumble like a retard into a creek smashing ur shins into some rocks; u dont feel pain from the adrenaline but start limping; u lose your flip-flops, walk bare-foot in the forest for 3 hours trying to find your way out whilst stepping on pebbles and what feels like needles and nails; u finally reach some sort of civilization, ur 8 kms away from your house; u try to hitch a ride but everyone dodges ur ass cuz u literally look like a deranged serial killer hobbo with only pants and a bleeding shin; u walk 8 kms on foot to your house just to collapse in the tub, bleeding from everywhere, in shock and still high; fast forwards two weeks later to find out the hill billy who tried to kill you did meth and drowned in the lake; the main suspect is a deranged nigger who lives in the forest, so basically you; leave the area and buy a condo in the next city; also i totally made this shit up
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