Also I beat this yesterday:
Based Hentai game
Been playing Dragon Quest Builders 2, and replaying the first one, both for the Switch.

I originally beat the PS Vita version of DQB1, but apparently there are bonuses in DQB2 if you beat DQB1 on the same system. So I got the Switch version of DQB1 and I'm playing it concurrently with DQB2.

Apart from that, I'm playing Cawadoody Mobile and Tetris Primetime.
Beat Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 and almost made through 3. Now been wasting some time with Spelunker and Bionic Commando.

Such a simple and short game, but falling anything more than what seems to be one meter kills and I've yet to find a way to dispose that ghost thing.

What a bizarre platformer, but that Area 1 theme.
A while back I beat Spelunker and this weird ass shitty game called Vice: Project Doom. The latter had some of the best graphics for NES it seems, it plays like Gaiden but is actually a bunch of hot trash gameplay-wise. The player character whacks a laser sword in an awkward angle, the bosses are a joke you can safespot and everything moves in a breakneck pace.

Also beat this another similar game called Power Blade, which is like NG and Megaman but with a boomerang to give it a twist. It has a forgiving difficulty, but gets a bit repetitive towards the end.

Now trying to make it through Journey to Silius. I've heard it being a classic and all that jazz, but it's a bit clumsy and cheap asf, forcing you to remember out of screen enemies. Almost made it through but makes me want to play Metal Slug instead.
I bought Dragon Warrior Quest 1,2,3 for the Switch at Fry's before they closed (RIP in peace), so I've been plodding through the second game now.

I also recently recapped a Game Gear and added a McWill screen to it, so I've been playing a bunch of GG games I never played before. Sonic 1.GG is berry good. Sonic 2.GG sucks ass.
like halfway through skyrim (playing fr this time) though i haven't played it in like a month cuz schoolwork and i keep fucking around on the internet instead of doing it. game's in fucking third grade and i had no idea there was time travel in it until last month wtf
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