Listened to Count Dankula (although wishing I didn't) and bought Death Stranding. So far its boring as fuck and Im probably not going to finish it.
Should've stuck with unmodded skyrim.
Whatever, this one is too good to keep in my sock party PM. Here you go:

That was hilarious. The 11:11PM match on Rainbow 6 was actually very fun. There were 3 people party chatting that were clearly from Alabama. They talked about a sexual predator getting caught. Talked about Ohio State football losing both their coordinators. Talked about going to Home Depot. Free use of the n-word. It was hilarious. And on top of that, they were good at the game. They would call it out like it was actual hunting/war tactics. I kept listening to them even though they were getting me killed and I'm just bad at the game right now, so there is that. I listened to them when they asked for someone to bring a bulletproof camera, they called me stupid for my placement of the camera. They didn't say where they wanted the camera.

I didn't want to mute them. It was like listening to the radio or something. Free entertainment. Those are life's little moments.

There wasn't a single moment where I really wanted to mute them. I didn't care if we lost. It was just fun to listen to them go on.
>What are you currently playing

Final Fantasy 6 for GBA (with the sound and color restoration patches)

Honestly, I hate the fact that FF7 got tons of different random games, but FF6 didn't even get a single "War of the Magi" side game. I'm glad FF6/Terra is still getting flowers in stuff like the Final Fantasy MTG sets.

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