Nah, my PhD is free of charge. The university evens pays me to do my research, albeit a rather small amount. I did mention that in my original post but I guess the lowercase letters are too tiny for you to read. I mean, I suffer from myopia too and I can feel your pain.YO DAD REMEMBER THAT QUARTER MILLION $$ THAT YOU WERE THINKIN OF INVESTING INTO THAT LITTLE YACHT? YEAH DAD PAY FOR MY PHD IN ENGLISH DUDE HELL YEAH DAD ILL PAY U BACK DAD I SWEAR, AFTER 30 MILLION YEARS OF LABOUR IN THE MICROSOFT ALTERNATE REALITY MAINFRAME FOR 28K A YEAR DONT WORRY DAD I GOT U!
Anyway, if I understand your subtle point correctly, you assume I'm being a burden on my parents. While this is not true in my case since I've been financially independent for a couple of years now, let me say that I find absolutely nothing wrong in relying financially on one's parents. The previous generation had it a lot better than us growing up and they were also the ones that decided to bring other people into this world. The way I see it, a parent's responsibility towards their offspring has no expiration date. Kind of a life sentence, if you will.