What's your stage of Tacticool?




yes, most cities over 50k ppl have malls
An American mall and a European mall usually aren't equivalent. They tend to make them bigger and more on the outskirts, basically stuffing five euro-malls worth of shops into one behemoth.
My town has four shopping malls falling between 30-60,000sqm of retail space, located over the span of four kilometers or so, all close to residential areas, main roads and public transport.


A regular degenerate; lowest of the low
An American mall and a European mall usually aren't equivalent. They tend to make them bigger and more on the outskirts, basically stuffing five euro-malls worth of shops into one behemoth.
My town has four shopping malls falling between 30-60,000sqm of retail space, located over the span of four kilometers or so, all close to residential areas, main roads and public transport.
the city where i live now has similar setup, but there are two big malls located near the two city centres (let's call them old town and new town) and two located more towards the residential areas

Call Me Tim

they had them in germany last I was there 6 years ago.
Were they for Americans or were they German. If you travel overseas you'll know an "Americanized zone." for Americans who can't stand anything not with an American feel. I wouldn't say it's xenophobic, but unwillingness to accept that there are others which have a different culture or way of doing things. Europeans especially socialist ones have the same attitude.
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