One time I shit myself in the last 20 minutes of football practice when I suddenly got sick as hell -I think it was a two-a-day too. Somehow it didn't get through my clothes/pads, but I could see something runny and dark underneath my white nylon practive pants.. It was as if I was wearing a latex glove filled with shit because the pants were very very tight on me and didn't let any of the liquid booboo spill out onto unsuspecting innocent bystanders.
I somehow managed to make it through the last half hour of practice with everybody complaining of the smell but no one knew who it was, surprisingly.
Even when I made it into the locker room and immediately went into the toilet no one suspected a thing.
I.. Have.. Never.. Shit. So. Much. In. My. Life.
Have you ever filled a toilet bowl almost to the brim?
Well, I did.
I honestly wish I had taken a picture, it was truly awe-inspiring.
Then I had to ride the bus home. Again, everybody smelled it but was unaware it was me.
I'm pretty sure I got shit on the seat so even after I left the bus the remaining people who were left on didn't suspect a thing because it still smelled like hot rotten booboo
I think that's all for my poop stories.
Except that time when I was 6 and I really had to poop and I didn't make it to the bathroom. Instead of shitting myself I pooped in my hands and brought it to my mom while histerically in tears not knowing what to do with the brick I had just laid upon myself.
true stories too
Don't even get me started on peeeing the bed